Our team is making sure that when basic human needs are at stake, having a lawyer must be a right, not a luxury.
Check out our 2024 Year in Review to learn more!
Key Highlights from 2024
The NCCRC team expands!
This year, we brought on two incredibly talented team members to help us strengthen and broaden our tenant right-to-counsel advocacy work! Shuron Jones joined us as the Tenant Right to Counsel Enactment Advisor, bringing her invaluable experience as an organizer with Homes for All in St. Louis. Her leadership in the successful campaign to pass tenant right to counsel exemplifies the impact of grassroots advocacy. Andrew Ashbrook joins us as Tenant Right to Counsel Implementation Advisor and brings his wealth of on-the-ground experience as a Supervising Attorney at the Bronx Defenders, a legal services provider that is a part of NYC’s historic tenant right to counsel. Learn more about the NCCRC’s team.

Shuron Jones | Tenant RTC Enactment Advisor

Andrew Ashbrook | Tenant RTC Implementation Advisor
Third Tenant RTC Sprint! Housing Equity in Action: Advancing a Tenant Right to Counsel
We had the privilege of partnering with Results for America, PolicyLink, and Strategic Actions for a Just Economy to run our third tenant right to counsel sprint: Housing Equity in Action: Advancing a Tenant Right to Counsel. The 7-week virtual training series ran from the end of September through the beginning of November. This year we worked with our largest cohort yet—15 teams of tenant leaders, organizers, attorneys, policymakers, and more—nationwide! The sprint concluded with teams presenting specific actions they’re ready to take to advance the right to counsel for tenants in their regions.
New Resources for our network!
March 2024 | Webinar and Report In March 2024, in partnership with Human Impact Partners, ChangeLab Solutions, PolicyLink, and Results for America, we launched this comprehensive resource to assist the public health field in advocating for tenant RTC laws and policies. Our launch webinar in March had over 1,000 registrants!
Beyond the Courtroom: A Tenant Right to Counsel’s Broader Impact
April 2024 | Webinar
In this webinar, we heard from leaders in San Francisco, Connecticut, and New York about how tenant RTC has empowered tenants in their jurisdictions to engage in organizing and rent strikes, improved the behavior of systems actors like landlords and judges, led to broader law reform by identifying systemic flaws in the landlord/tenant law, and improved the coordination and efficacy of legal services organizations.
May 2024 | Webinar and Report
In May 2024, we and New York Law School Wilf Impact Center for Public Interest Law helped The Case Made develop and release this Playbook to help advocates incorporate race equity into their RTC advocacy. We also hosted a webinar explaining the Playbook.
We’re looking forward to working alongside you in 2025!
As we enter 2025, we expect to come up against significant obstacles, but we also see incredible opportunities ahead: after all, no tenant had a right to counsel prior to 2017, and today, there are millions of tenants with this right in 24 jurisdictions nationwide! This upcoming year we’ll continue:
- delivering high-quality civil right to counsel technical assistance to advocates nationwide;
- producing comprehensive advocacy materials and educational trainings for our network;
- keeping racial equity and justice at the forefront of the right to counsel movement, and
- connecting right to counsel advocates to share, develop, and execute effective strategies!