Funders and Supporters

Thank you to every individual, organization, and funder who has supported us in advancing the civil right to counsel since 2003!

Our work wouldn’t be possible without the incredible support of the Public Justice Center, our funders and grantors, organizational dues-paying members, and the extraordinary gifts of individual donors.

Public Justice Center

The NCCRC was initially a multi-organizational effort of the Public Justice Center (PJC), the Shriver Center on Poverty Law, the Northwest Justice Project, the Brennan Center for Justice, and the American Bar Association’s Standing Committee of Legal Aid and Indigent Defense. Today, the NCCRC remains a project of the PJC, a public interest law firm based in Baltimore, MD, that uses legal tools to challenge poverty and racial inequity in Maryland and beyond. NCCRC staff members are employees of the PJC, and the NCCRC receives financial support from the PJC. We’re proud to be a PJC project, and grateful for its unwavering commitment to our work over the years!

Foundation Support

For questions related to our funding, please contact John Pollock at

Thank you to our current funders!

In the past, the NCCRC has received generous support from the ABA’s Section of Litigation, ACTL Foundation, Ford Foundation, IATL Foundation, Open Society Institute, and Public Welfare Foundation.

Organizational Members

Contact us to learn more about becoming an organizational member.

We are proud to have organizational members who support the NCCRC through annual dues. The members are committed to ensuring sustainable funding for the NCCRC to continue its technical assistance and public education work.

Individual Donors

Each year, individuals across our network donate to the NCCRC. This support ensures we can continue serving as a civil right-to-counsel research and assistance hub. We welcome one-time and recurring gifts, and thank you for supporting our work!

Major Gifts

Thank you Maryland Delegate Samuel I. Rosenberg! Delegate Rosenberg initially committed $15,000 per year for eight years, starting in 2015. In making this gift, Delegate Rosenberg wanted to inspire other donors to support the work of the NCCRC. In 2024, Delegate Rosenberg renewed his commitment for five years!

Thank you, Leah and Ben Spero! They generously provided $50,000 over the course of 2016 to 2020.

Financial Support for Website Renovations

We are grateful to the New York Law School and the American Bar Association’s Standing Committee on Legal Aid and Indigent Defense (SCLAID) for supporting the revamp of the NCCRC website.

The National Coalition for a Civil Right to Counsel is a project of the Public Justice Center, Inc. The Public Justice Center, Inc. is a charitable organization designated as tax-exempt under Internal Revenue Code section 501(c)3. Copies of current financial statements are available upon request by contacting the Public Justice Center, Inc., at 201 North Charles Street, Suite 1200, Baltimore MD 21201, by telephone (410) 625-9409, or at Documents and information submitted under the State of Maryland Charitable Solicitations Act are available from the Office of the Secretary of State of Maryland, Annapolis, MD 21401 for the cost of copying and postage.