Pennsylvania hearings on civil legal aid discuss right to counsel
, All Basic Human Needs
The PA Senate Judiciary Committee was ordered to hold hearings in 2013 about the civil legal justice gap, and many people testified about a right to counsel. Written testimony and links to the videos are available as are copies of the remarks of Chief Justice Ronald Castille, written testimony, and transcripts,
Below is some of the media coverage of the hearings and testimony:
- Jon Campisi, Pa. Sen. Judiciary Committee Holds Hearing on ‘Civil Justice Gap’, The Pennsylvania Record (May 8, 2013), available at
- Amaris Elliott-Engel, Castille Testifies in Favor of ‘Civil Gideon’ Funding, The Legal Intelligencer (May 24, 2013).
- Cherri Gregg, Coalition of Lawyers Pledge to Serve Low-Income Families, CBS 3 Philly (May 23, 2013), available at
- Holly Otterbein, Judges, Lawyers Say Poor Still Lack Sorely Needed Legal Aid, NewsWorks (May 23, 2013), written story and audio available at
- Philadelphia Enquirer, A Poor Excuse for Justice (May 22, 2013), available at
- Philadelphia Enquirer, Editorial: Toward Justice For All Regardless of Wealth (May 29, 2013), available at
- Philadelphia Tribune, Advocates Argue for Civil Representation, Philly Tribune (May 20, 2013), available at