Listed below are all of the 2021/2022 federal/state bills that address the right to counsel in civil cases.  The NCCRC monitors all such bills and regularly reports on their progress, and we also are involved with some of them.

Where any bills from a prior year are listed as “active”, they are carryover bills.

Enacted bills

State Bill # Description Latest Status
AR HB 1379 Requires court to appoint counsel in adoption cases for limited purpose of assisting birth parent execute or withdraw consent to adoption. Became law on 4/6/21.
AR HB 1388 Authorizes court to appoint counsel in proceeding to enforce post-adoption contact agreement. Became law on 4/22/21.
AR HB 1813 Removes indigency/request requirements for parents to be appointed counsel in neglect cases, and adds discretion for court to appoint counsel to noncustodial parents and putative fathers. Became law on 4/21/21.
AZ HB 1391 Establishes child’s right to counsel in dependency and termination of parental rights cases. Signed by Governor on 4/14/21.
AZ SB 1417  In context of health care directives, authorizes court to appoint attorney when principal or another person petitions court to require agent to allow principal to have contact with someone. Signed by Governor on 5/21/21.
CA AB 1194 Requires court to appoint counsel for any unrepresented person in conservatorship proceedings. Approved by Governor on 9/30/21.
CA AB 1243 Authorizes court to appoint counsel for subject of adult protective person proceeding in certain circumstances. Approved by Governor on 9/23/21.
CO HB 1094 Creates program to provide voluntary extended foster care for youths 18-21 and requires court to appoint counsel for the process. Signed by Governor on 6/25/21.
CO HB 1101 Permits court to appoint counsel for child in proceeding related to post-adoption contact agreements. Signed by Governor on 7/7/21.
CT HB 6531 Provides a right to counsel for low-income tenants facing eviction. Signed by Governor on 6/10/21.
DC B23-0181 Authorizes court to appoint counsel for a minor in certain protective order or anti-stalking cases provided it would not unduly delay issuance of order. Returned by the Mayor on 1/14/21.
DE SB 141 Removes discretion for court to appoint attorney for child in reinstatement of parental rights proceeding. Signed by Governor on 9/30/21.
FL SB 80 Requires court to appoint counsel for caregiver of child in certain circumstances when change of custody sought post-disposition in child welfare cases. Approved by Governor on 6/29/21.
HI HB 345 Changes law for assisted community placement for drug/alcohol treatment such that a guardian ad litem is appointed instead of the public defender. Approved by Governor on 6/24/21.
IA HB 743 Requires public defender to represent person seeking adoption of child after TPR, provided that public defender was involved in the TPR. Signed by Governor on 6/8/21.
MD HB 18 Provides a right to counsel for low-income tenants facing eviction. Became law on 5/28/21.
ME HB 1030 Broadens circumstances in which parental rights can be terminated in private action between private parties, and requires appointment of counsel for respondent while authorizing appointment of counsel for petitioner where respondent is represented. Passed Legislature on 6/17/21 and became law without Governor’s signature.
MO HB 429 Eliminates birth parent’s right to counsel in adoption cases but preserves authority for court to appoint counsel for birth parent on discretionary basis.  Signed by Governor on 4/22/21.
MT SB 104 Permits court to appoint attorney for a child in an arbitrated child custody dispute. Signed by Governor on 2/23/21.
NC HB 132 Requires court to appoint provisional counsel for parent if motion to amend/modify child welfare order is filed and parent’s previously-appointed attorney was released. Signed by Governor on 8/6/21.
NC HB 301 Clarifies that parents have a right to counsel when an unruly or delinquent child is placed in DSS custody. Signed by Governor on 6/21/21.
ND HB 1035 Requires court to appoint counsel for child in Child in Need of Care cases, and in child protection cases where child is “of sufficient age and competency to assist counsel.” Signed by Governor on 4/28/21.
NE LB 307 Makes appointment of counsel automatic in delinquency cases regardless of county size. Approved by Governor on 5/24/21.
NV SB 7 Requires court to appoint counsel for minor respondents in order of protection cases. Approved by Governor on 5/27/21.
NV SB 70 Requires appointed counsel for involuntary outpatient treatment services. Approved by Governor on 6/4/21.
NV SB 274  Creates process for admission of commercially sexually exploited child to receiving center or secured child care facility, and provides right to counsel for parents and children. Approved by Governor on 6/4/21.
OR SB 578 Requires court to appoint counsel for respondent in adult protective proceedings where respondent requests counsel or objects to proceedings. Signed by Governor on 6/23/21.
TX HB 567 Requires court to appoint attorney ad litem for child and parent (immediately after petition but before hearing) where state petitions to require parent to participate in certain services. Effective without Governor’s signature on 5/15/21.
TX HB 3041 Creates pilot program for family preservation services in lieu of placing child in foster care, and requires appointment of attorney ad litem for both parent and child. Signed by Governor on 6/4/21.
TX HB 3394 Authorizes court to appoint attorney ad litem upon court’s own motion or motion of interested person in situation where there is belief that guardian of protected person is themselves suffering from incapacity. Signed by Governor on 6/4/21.
TX HB 1315 Specifies that GAL or attorney ad litem, or counsel appointed for child, in proceeding for state to become managing conservator continues as long as the child is in conservatorship.  Signed by Governor on 6/16/21.
WA SB 5160 Requires court to appoint counsel for indigent tenants in eviction court proceedings. Signed by Governor on 4/22/21.
WA HB 1219 Requires court to appoint counsel for all children in dependency proceedings. Signed by Governor on 5/10/21.

Active bills

State Bill # Description Latest Status
federal HB 530 (“REUNITE Act”) Guarantees appointment of counsel for children and vulnerable adults in immigration removal proceedings. Referred to Judiciary Committee’s Subcommittee on Immigration and Citizenship on 3/5/21.
federal HB 1177 (“U.S. Citizenship Act”) Guarantees appointment of counsel for children and vulnerable adults in immigration removal proceedings. Referred to various committees as of 4/28/21.
federal S. 901 (“Funding Attorneys for Indigent Removal Proceedings Act”) Requires court to appoint counsel if necessary to children and vulnerable adults in immigration removal proceedings. Referred to Judiciary Committee on 3/25/21.
federal HB 6 (“American Dream and Promise Act of 2021”) Requires appointed counsel for people appealing denial of adjustment of immigration status. Passed House on 3/18/21.  Referred to Senate Judiciary Committee on 3/22/21.  Hearings held on 6/15/21.
federal HB 3580 (“Eviction Prevention Act”) Provides federal funding for cities/states to expand tenant representation, with priority going to jurisdictions that have established a right to counsel for tenants facing eviction. Referred to Committee on Financial Services and Judiciary Committee on 5/28/21.
federal SB 1927 (CAPTA) Amends Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment act (CAPTA) to require appointment of counsel for both parents and children. Reported favorably with substitute from Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions on 11/15/21.
federal HR 5385SB 2234 (“Affordable HOME Act”) Creates federal funding for cities/states that enact a right to counsel for tenants facing eviction. HR 5385 referred to various committees on 9/27/21.

SB 2234 referred to Committee on Finance on 6/24/21.

federal SB 3108 Would require appointment of counsel for unaccompanied children in immigration removal proceedings. Referred to Judiciariy Committee on 10/28/21.
federal SB 2417 Authorizes court to appoint counsel for person claiming discrimination on basis of certain disabilities in provision of community-based long-term services or support. Referred to Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions on 12/16/21.
CO HB 1038 Requires appointment of client-directed counsel for children 12 or older in abuse/neglect cases and prohibits waiver of counsel. Referred to Judiciary Committee on 1/12/22.
DC B24-0093 Authorizes arbiter in family law dispute to appoint counsel for a child at the expense of the parties. Referred to Judiciary and Public Safety Committee on 3/2/21.  Public hearing held on 5/13/21.
DE SB 101 Creates a right to counsel for tenants facing eviction or termination of housing subisides, or who seek to affirmatively enforce housing rights. Passed Senate and assigned to House Housing & Community Affairs Committee on 6/8/21.  House amended bill on 6/25/21.
FL HB 1549SB 948 Requires court to appoint counsel for child placed in out-of-home care who is a subject of a dependency proceeding. HB 1549 assigned to Health & Human Services Committee on 1/16/22.

SB 948 reported favorably out of Children, Families, and Elder Affairs Committee and in Appropriations Committee as of 1/12/22.

HI HB 453 / SB 821 Requires court to appoint counsel for minor seeking emancipation. HB 453 referred to HHH, JHA, and FIN Committees on 1/27/21.

SB 821 passed Senate on 3/9/21.  Assigned to House HHH, JHA, and FIN Committees on 3/11/21.  HHH recommended passage with amendments on 3/19/21.  JHA recommended deferring measure on 3/23/21.

HI SB 2072 Requires court to appoint counsel for indigent parents in dependency proceedings to conform to constitutional rulings in In re TM and In re LI, and specifies timing.

Introduced on 1/18/22.

HI SB 199 Removes requirement that public defender be appointed upon filing of a petition for assisted community treatment program, and instead requires request for appointed counsel. Passed Senate and referred to House HHH, JHA, and FIN committees.
IL HB 2879 Provides a right to counsel for anyone affected by state emergency health/safety order in challenge to that action. Assigned to Rules Committee on 3/27/21.
IL HB 4378 / HB 4532 Establishes a requirement that minor notify parents prior to seeking abortion and requires appointment of counsel for minor who seeks to bypass requirement. HB 4378 introduced on 1/6/22.

HB 4532 introduced on 1/13/22.

IL HB 4605 Authorizes court to appoint counsel for person claiming discrimination in housing transaction due to arrest record. Filed on 1/19/22.
IL SB 3144 Creates right to counsel for various immigration proceedings, including removal, credible fear hearings, and immigration habeas corpus petitions. Referred to Assignments on 1/12/22.
IN SB 180 Creates commission to determine creation of system for appointing counsel for children in child welfare proceedings (original bill would have created the right itself). Committee on Family and Children Services and Appropriations Committee reported as amended as of 1/20/22.
IN SB 410 Requires court to appoint counsel for indigent caregiver who intervenes as party in termination of parental rights proceeding. Referred to Judiciary Committee on 1/12/22.
KS HB 2496 Authorizes arbitrator in custody dispute to appoint counsel for the child. Hearing before Judiciary Committee on 1/26/22.
KS SB 123 Creates process for terminating parental rights to child conceived due to sexual assault, and requires appointment of counsel for parent.  Court may also appoint attorney as guardian ad litem for child. Referred to Judiciary Committee on 2/2/21.  Hearing on 2/11/21.
KY HB 118 Specifies that appointment of counsel in guardianship proceeding lasts until “the end of the period in which to perfect an appeal, or upon the resolution of the appeal or action.” Introduced on 1/4/22.
MA HB 272 / SB 124 Requires appointment of counsel where there is petition to terminate supported decisionmaking agreement for protected person. HB 272 referred to Joint Committee on Children, Families and Persons with Disabilities on 4/13/21.  Hearing on 11/22/21.

SB 124 referred to Joint Committee on Children, Families and Persons with Disabilities on 3/29/21.  Hearing on 11/22/21.

MA HB 1678 Removes right to appointed counsel in sex offender classification hearings. Referred to Joint Committee on Judiciary on 3/29/21.  Hearing on 12/7/21.
MA HB 1463 Requires court to appoint counsel for guardian of child regardless of indigence where guardian seeks to adopt or where non-custodial parent seeks change in custody, provided non-custodial parent is represented. Referred to Joint Committee on Judiciary on 3/29/21.  Hearing on 11/9/21.
MA HB 1724 Provides a right to counsel in civil forfeiture cases. Referred to Judiciary Committee on 3/29/21.  Hearing on 9/23/21.
MA HB 1436 / SB 874 Creates a right to counsel for indigent tenants facing eviction. HB 1436 referred to Joint Committee on Housing on 3/29/21.  Hearing on 10/12/21.

SB 874 referred to Joint Committee on Housing on 3/29/21.  Hearing on 10/12/21.

MA HB 1710 / SB 938 Provides a right to counsel for plaintiffs who are minors in protective order proceedings. HB 1710 referred to Joint Committee on the Judiciary on 3/29/21.  Hearing on 9/23/21.

SB 938 referred to Joint Committee on the Judiciary on 3/29/21.  Hearing on 9/23/21.

MD HB 83 Requires court to appoint counsel upon filing of a petition for emancipation of a minor in order to marry. Judiciary Committee hearing scheduled for 1/27/22.
MD SB 279 Creates revenue source for eviction right to counsel bill passed in 2021. Referred to Judicial Proceedings Committee on 1/19/22.  Hearing on 2/9/22.
MD HB 114 Creates right to counsel in immigration removal proceedings. Hearing before Judiciary Committee set for 2/2/22.
MD SB 29 Requires court to appoint counsel for minor seeking emancipation in order to marry. Hearing set for 1/26/22 before Judicial Proceedings Committee.
ME HB 480 Requires automatic appointment of counsel in guardianships and conservatorships rather than requiring protected person to make a request. Referred to Judiciary Committee on 2/11/21.  Carried over on 6/7/21.
MI HB 4848 Requires guardian ad litem in guardianship proceeding to inquire whether protected person who has not requested counsel needs counsel, and ends automatic appointment of counsel where petition is contested. Referred to Judiciary Committee on 5/18/21.
MI SB 503 Broadens circumstances in which court must appoint counsel for protected person in guardianship case. Referred to Committee on Judiciary and Public Safety on 6/3/31.
MN HB 312 / HB 1078/ SB 941 / SB 383 Requires court to appoint counsel upon request for indigent parents in child welfare and termination of parental rights cases. For HB 312, Judiciary Finance and Civil Law Committtee recommended passage with amendments and referred to Human Services Finance and Policy on 2/15/21.

HB 1078 indefinitely postponed on 4/17/21.

For SB 941, Civil Law and Data Practices Policy Committee recommended passage with amendments, and referred to Human Services Reform Finance and Policy Committee on 2/22/21.

SB 383 passed Senate and laid on table on 4/29/21.

MN HB 1151SB 843 Requires court to appoint counsel for indigent African-American parents in child welfare proceedings. HB 1151 referred to Judiciary Finance and Civil Law Committee on 3/4/21.  Committee voted to adopt as amended on 3/10/21.

SB 843 referred to Civil Law and Data Practices Policy Committee on 2/11/21.

MN HF 450 / HF 1077 /SB 1290 Provides a right to counsel for public housing tenants facing eviction for an alleged breach of lease. For HF 450, Housing Finance and Policy Committee recommended passage on 2/218/21.  Referred to Judiciary Finance and Civil Law Committee.

HF 1077 passed House and Senate on 4/20/21.  House refused to concur w/Senate amendment, so conference committee appointed on 4/21/21.

For SB 1290, bill referred to Civil Law and Data Practices Policy Committee on 2/22/21.

NE LB 419 Requires court to appoint counsel for all tenants in eviction proceedings. Public hearing before Judiciary Committee occurred on 2/4/21.
NH HB 1465 Specifies that child’s right to counsel in delinquency cases extends to other proceedings that are “substantively related”. Referred to referred to Children and Family Law Committee on 1/5/22.
NJ AB 1552 Guarantees a right to counsel for tenants facing eviction. Referred to Judiciary Committee on 1/11/22.
NJ AB 753 / SB 167 Requires court to appoint counsel where defendant fails to appear in civil case and no affidavit is filed stating that defendant is not in active military. AB 753 referred to Military and Veterans’ Affairs Committee on 1/11/22.
NM SB 35 Removes requirement of appointing counsel for appointment of temporary guardian and replaces with appointment of guardian ad litem. Referred to SCC, SHPAC and SJC Committees on 1/18/22.
NY AB 416 Provides for mandatory quarantine of individuals/groups due to communicable disease, and specifies that “access to counsel will be facilitated to the extent feasible under the circumstances.” Referred to Health Committee on 1/6/21.
NY AB 7570 / SB 6678 Guarantees appointment of counsel for tenants in a variety of situations, including evictions and affirmative cases to enforce housing rights. AB 7570 amended and recommitted to Judiciary Committee on 9/15/21.

SB 6678 amended and re–referred to Housing, Construction, and Community Development Committee on 7/30/21.

NY AB 2581 Requires appointment of counsel for a kinship caretaker acting as a parent of a child and who is seeking guardianship/custody of the child. Amended and recommitted to Children and Families Committee on 1/18/22.
NY AB 3780 Establishes a requirement that minor notify parents prior to seeking abortion and requires appointment of counsel for minor who seeks to bypass requirement. Referred to Health Committee on 1/28/21.
NY AB 5778 Provides that, if tenant defaults in eviction case, petitioner must alleged whether or not tenant is not senior citizen, and if senior citizen, court may appoint counsel to represent tenant. Referred to Housing Committee on 2/24/21.
NY AB 4266 / SB 3300 Creates system for appointing counsel for a wide range of civil cases, including housing, license suspension, employment, child custody, and sustenance. AB 4266 referred to Judiciary Committee on 1/5/22.

SB 3300 referred to Local Government Committee on 1/5/22.

NY SB 6074 Requires court to appoint counsel for kinship caregiver seeking custody or guardianship of child, and for respondents in all child guardianship proceedings. Passed Senate.  Reported out of Assembly Children and Families Committee on and referred to Finance Committee on 1/11/22.
OK HB 1765 Requires court to appoint counsel for involuntary drug/alcohol treatment. Referred to Public Health Committee on 2/2/21.
PA HB1366 Authorizes arbitrator in custody arbitration to appoint counsel for child. Passed House and referred to Senate Judiciary Committee on 11/19/21.
PA HB 1903 Requires court to appoint counsel for respondent in cases involving extreme risk protection orders related to firearms. Referred to Judiciary Committee on 9/23/21.
PA HB 1928 Requires court to appoint counsel for protected person in guardianship proceedings (current law makes it discretionary). Referred to Aging and Older Adult Services Committee on 9/28/21.
SC HB 3072 Requires appointment of counsel for tenants in any cases relating to termination or alleged noncompliance with rental agreement. Referred to Committee on Labor, Commerce and Industry on 1/12/21.
SC HB 4086 Creates process for person committed to Sexually Violent Predator Treatment Unit to challenge commitment and subsequent periodic reviews based on ineffective assistance of counsel during commitment trial or periodic review proceedings, and requires appointed counsel for the challenge. Referred to Judiciary Committee on 3/17/21.
SC HB 4544 Requires GAL appointed for child in custody proceeding to be an attorney. Referred to Judiciary Committee on 1/11/22.
SC SB 70 Eliminates civil forfeiture and specifies that PD may represent person in forfeiture portion of criminal proceeding if that person was already represented by the PD. Referred to Judiciary Committee on 1/29/21.
TN SB 1803 Creates process for involuntary outpatient treatment for people who threaten violence to others, and requires appointment of counsel for the process. Introduced on 1/20/22.
VA HB 663 Requires appointment of counsel for mandatory outpatient treatment. Referred to Committee on Health, Welfare and Institutions on 1/11/22.
VT HB 564 Requires notification of parents for minor to have abortion, and creates bypass proceeding where minor is appointed counsel. Referred to Committee on Human Services on 1/11/22.
WA SB 5053 Establishes court bypass procedure for new requirement for minors to notify parents prior to seeking abortion, and require appointed counsel for such a procedure. Referred to Law & Justice Committee on 1/11/21.
WA SB 5297 Authorizes court to appoint counsel for petitioner in domestic violence protection order case if the respondent is represented by counsel. Referred to Law & Justice Committee on 1/11/21.
WI HB 630 Requires court to appoint counsel if motion to terminate parental rights is filed within a CHIPS proceeding. Referred to Committee on Family Law on 10/21/21.  Public hearing held on 12/1/21.
WV HB 2258 / HB 2277 Establishes procedure for treatment of IV drug users and requires appointed counsel for petitions related to such procedure. HB 2258 referred to Prevention and Treatment of Substance Abuse and Judiciary Committees on 2/10/21.

HB 2277 referred to Prevention and Treatment of Substance Abuse and Judiciary Committees on 2/10/21.

WV HB 2280 Creates process for involuntary treatment for substance use and requires appointment of counsel for respondent. Referred to Health and Human Resources and Judiciary Committees on 1/12/22.

Dead bills

AL HB 394 Eliminates civil forfeiture in some circumstances and specifies that PD may/shall represent person in forfeiture portion of criminal proceeding if that person was already represented by the PD. Indefinitely postponed on 5/6/21.
FL HB 405 / SB 828 Requires court to appoint public defender when minor assents to admission to inpatient mental health treatment. HB 405 died in Health & Human Services Committee on 2/8/21.

SB 828 died in Appropriation Committee after being referred out by Children, Families, and Elder Affairs Committee.

FL HB 1323 Creates right to counsel for respondent in risk protection order cases. Died in Judiciary Committee.
FL SB 1100 Specifies that children in out-of-home care have a right to an attorney to represent their legal interests “where appropriate.” Died in Appropriations Subcommittee after being referred out by Children, Families, and Elder Affairs Committee.
FL SB 1812 Authorizes regional counsel to provide pre-petition representation in child welfare cases. Died in Children, Families, and Elder Affairs Committee.
FL SB 1920 Requires court to appoint counsel for child 10 or older in child welfare proceeding. Died in Appropriations Committee after being referred out by Children, Families, and Elder Affairs Committee.
IN SB 339 Requires court to appoint counsel for child in child welfare case where basis for case is human trafficking. Died in Committee on Corrections and Criminal Law Committee.
IN SB 350 Requires appointed counsel for tenants in small claims possessory actions in Marion County. Died in Judiciary Committee.
KY HB 420 Would require appointment of counsel for minors or incarcerated adults who are respondents in order of protection cases. Passed House but died in Senate Judiciary Committee.
KY HB 463 Requires court to appoint counsel for indigent respondent subject to extreme risk protection order related to firearms. Died in Committee on Committees.
KY SB 229 Requires court to appoint counsel for indigent respondent subject to crisis aversion and rights retention order related to firearms. Died in Committee on Committees.

MD HB 750 / SB 317 Provides a right to counsel for immigration removal proceedings. HB 750 died in Judiciary Committee after hearing.

SB 317 died in Judicial Proceedings Committee after hearing.

MD HB 242 / SB 173 Requires court to appoint counsel for minor seeking to emancipate in order to marry. HB 242 passed House with amendments on 3/18/21, then died in Senate Judicial Proceedings Committee.

SB 173 died in to Judicial Proceedings after hearing.

NJ AB 5664 / SB 4016 Guarantees a right to counsel for tenants facing eviction. AB 5664 died in Assembly Judiciary Committee.

SB 4016 died in Senate Judiciary Committee.

NJ AB 923 / SB 211 Permits court to appoint counsel for active service member who fails to appear in a proceeding. AB 923 died in Military and Veterans’ Affairs Committee.

SB 211 died in Military and Veterans’ Affairs Committee.

NJ AB 684 / SB 2002 Requires court to appoint counsel in hearing to establish limited guardianship for purposes of authorizing treatment for substance abuse. AB 684 died in Human Services Committee.

SB 2002 died in Health, Human Services and Senior Citizens Committee.

NJ AB 4615 / SB 2877 Requires appointment of counsel for all conservatorship proceedings until conservatorship terminated. AB 4615 reported out of Aging and Senior Services Committee with amendments, but didn’t go any further.

SB 2877 died in Health, Human Services and Senior Citizens Committee.

NJ AB 4618 / SB 2876 Requires appointment of counsel for all guardianship proceedings until guardianship terminated.

AB 4618 reported out of Aging and Senior Services Committee with amendments that removed requirement of counsel continuation until termination, but then didn’t go any further.

SB 2876 died in Health, Human Services and Senior Citizens Committee.

NJ AB 2245 Requires court to appoint counsel for child prior to involuntary treatment. Died in Human Services Committee.
NJ AJR 30 / SJR 36 Creates legislative task force to study appointment of counsel for DV victims. AJR 30 passed Assembly but died in Senate Judiciary Committee.

SJR 36 died in Judiciary Committee.

NJ AB 4522 / SB 2778 Requires court to appoint counsel for proceeding to civilly commit person for substance abuse. AB 4522 died in Health Committee.

SB 2278 died in Health, Human Services and Senior Citizens Committee.

OR HB 2545 Requires court to appoint counsel for indigent parents in child custody proceedings. Died in Subcommittee of Civil Law within Judiciary Committee after hearing.
OR HB 3022 Eliminates right to counsel for children in custody proceedings and makes appointment discretionary. Died in to Subcommittee on Civil Law within Judiciary Committee after hearing.
TN HB 502 / SB 408 Requires court to appoint counsel for individual subjected to mandatory outpatient/inpatient treatment due to being a risk to cause serious harm to other persons. HB 502 failed in Health Committee.

SB 408 died in Judiciary Committee.

TN HB 896SB 684 Requires court to appoint counsel when person’s provisionally-restored right to vote is revoked due to willful non-compliance with child support repayment plan. HB 896 died in Criminal Justice Committee.

SB 684 died in Judiciary Committee.

TX HB 107 Requires court to appoint counsel for parents prior to ordering participation in services. Died before committee assignment.
TX HB 1171 Authorizes court to appoint an attorney ad litem or guardian ad litem to represent fetus in proceeding initiated by minor to bypass parental consent requirement for abortion. Reported favorably by Judiciary & Civil Jurisprudence Committee, then died.
TX HB 4034 Requires court to appoint an attorney ad litem or guardian ad litem to represent fetus in proceeding initiated by minor to bypass parental consent requirement for abortion. Died in Judiciary & Civil Jurisprudence Committee.
TX HB 1190 / HB 1204 Requires appointment of counsel for indigent alleged sex offenders for administrative hearings as to whether to place the offender on the registry. HB 1190 died after being reported favorably as substituted by Human Services Committee.

HB 1204 died in Human Services Committee.

TX HB 1675 Would remove requirement to appoint attorney ad litem in certain guardianships involving minors who become adults. Passed House, then died in Senate Jurisprudence Committee.
TX SB 1576 Creates pilot program for family preservation services in lieu of placing child in foster care, and requires appointment of attorney ad litem for both parent and child. Died in Health and Human Services Committee.
TX SB 1603 Creates process for placing parent on abuse/neglect central registry and requires appointment of counsel for alleged offending parent. Died in Health and Human Services Committee.
VA HB 2166 Requires appointment of counsel for periodic review of involuntary outpatient treatment. Passed House, then died in Senate Committee on Rehabilitation and Social Services.
VA SB 550 Expands authorization of courts in First and Second Judicial Districts to appoint counsel for alleged victims from family abuse to also include dating relationship abuse. Died in Judiciary Committee.
VA HB 116 Eliminates process for involuntary sterilization of developmentally disabled person while allowing such person to volintarily seek such sterilization and requiring appointed counsel for such a hearing. Died in Committee on Human Services.