2018 Civil Right to Counsel Bills

Listed below are all of the 2018 bills that address the right to counsel in civil cases.  The NCCRC monitors all such bills and regularly reports on their progress, and we also are involved with some of them.

Where 2017 bills are listed as “active”, they are carryover bills into 2018.

Enacted bills

State Bill # Sponsor Description Status
CA (San Francisco) ballot initiative SF Right to Counsel Committee Creates a right to counsel for tenants facing eviction, regardless of income. Enacted by voters on 6/5/18.
CA AB 3212 Assemblymember Irwin Requires court to appoint counsel if refusing additional stay of case for servicemember still in active service. Approved by Governor on 9/19/18.
CA SB 1045 Sens. Weiner, Stern, Allen, Bradford, and Chen Creates procedure in LA County and the City/County of San Francisco for conservatorship of person who is chronically homeless due to mental health and substance use disorder, and requires appointment of counsel for such proceedings. Approved by Governor on 9/27/18.
GA SB 131 Numerous cosponsors Requires that waiver of right to appointed counsel for indigent parents is knowing/voluntary and on the record.

Signed by Governor on 5/8/18.
IA HB 2402 House of Delegates Judiciary Committee Permits court to appoint attorney ad litem for adult where their power of attorney agent is subject of criminal charge for elder abuse against that adult.

Signed by Governor on 4/4/18.
KS SB 284 Senate Financial Institutions and Insurance Committee Requires appointment of counsel for father in stepparent adoption proceedings where father is unknown or whereabouts are unknown (current law makes appointment discretionary).

Approved by Governor on 5/18/18.
KY HB 1 Numerous representatives Requires court to appoint counsel for de facto custodian in dependency proceeding, and specifies that court must appoint counsel for parent in adoption proceeding where “reasonably necessary in the interest of justice.”

Signed by Governor on 4/14/18.
LA HB 182  Rep. Johnson Requires court to appoint counsel for parents of Indian child when such parents seek to voluntarily transfer custody to Department, agency, or private individuals, notwithstanding if the state is involved. Signed by Governor on 5/15/18.
LA HB 898  Rep. Bacala Requires appointment of counsel for student who is subject of petition for medical, psychological, and psychiatric evaluation due to student allegedly having made terroristic threat against school. Signed by Governor on 6/2/18.
LA SB 306 Sen. Barrow Removes indigency requirement for right to counsel in involuntary outpatient treatment hearings. Signed by Governor on 5/20/18.
LA SB 366 Sen. Ward Requires court to hold hearing to decide whether to appoint counsel for child whenever court is considering whether to give visitation rights to any non-parent (existing law only requires hearing if considering grandparent visitation). Signed by Governor on 5/20/18.
MA SB 2371 Criminal Justice Reform Committee Requires appointment of counsel prior to incarcerating a person for failure to pay fees/fines. Signed by Governor on 4/13/18.
MD HB 1 / SB 2 Numerous cosponsors for both bills Creates new termination of parental rights procedure where nonconsensual sexual conduct resulted in child, and requires appointment of counsel for these proceedings. Signed by Governor on 2/13/18.
ME HB 123 Joint Standing Committee on Judiciary Changes requirement of appointment of counsel in adult guardianship proceedings from when person expresses desire to contest proceeding to when person requests counsel. Passed both branches of Legislature on 4/18/18.
NY AB 7899 Numerous Assembly members Permits court to appoint counsel for child during petition by standby guardian to assume custody.

Signed by Governor on 6/27/18.
OR HB 4009 Reps. Sanchez, Greenlick, Sollman, and Stark Requires court to appoint counsel for child when petition to reinstate parental rights is filed by either the child or the Department of Human Services.

Signed by Governor on 4/10/18.
PA HB 631 Numerous cosponsors Requires appointment of counsel for person petitioning to be relieved of sex offender registration requirements. Signed by Governor on 2/21/18.
PA HB 1233 Numerous cosponsors Requires appointment of counsel when petition sought to subject person to involuntary outpatient treatment who is not already subject to involuntary inpatient treatment.

Approved by Governor on 10/25/18.
PA HB 1952 Numerous cosponsors Creates a process for sex offender registration, and provide right to counsel for such proceedings as well as petition to be removed from registry after 25 years. Signed by Governor on 6/12/18.
RI HB 7200  Rep. Abney Permits court to appoint counsel for child requesting it where child has executed a voluntary agreement for extension of foster care. Signed by Governor on 6/22/18.
UT HB 167 Reps. Winder and Hillyard Changes law so that state pays for appointed counsel when ward in guardianship is indigent, rather than it coming from ward’s estate, and adds additional qualifiers for when judge need not appoint counsel for ward. Signed by Governor on 3/26/18.
UT SB 203  Sen. Weller Changes appointment for indigent parents of counsel in private termination of parental rights cases from discretionary to mandatory. Signed by Governor on 3/20/18.
VT SB 237 Sens. Ingram, Balint, Lyons and Pollina Authorizes PD to handle cases in federal court involving a “matter arising out of or relating to immigration status”, but would not require it (original bill would have mandated the appointment of counsel to anyone who “requires or would benefit from representation” in such matters).

Signed by Governor on 5/25/18.
WI AB 784  Numerous cosponsors Creates a pilot project to provide a right to counsel for parents in dependency proceedings in 5 counties. Signed by Governor on 4/5/18.

Dead bills

State Bill # Sponsor Description Status
federal HR 2043 / SB 2468 (Fair Day in Court for Kids Act) Numerous cosponsors on both bills Would guarantee counsel in immigration court for children and “vulnerable aliens” such as those with disabilities or who have been victims of torture/abuse/violence. HR 2043 died in Judiciary Committee.

SB 2468 died in Judiciary Committee.

federal  HB 6527 (“Funding Attorneys for Indigent Removal (FAIR) Proceedings Act”) Numerous cosponsors Would guarantee appointment of counsel for children and vulnerable adults in immigration removal proceedings. Died in Judiciary Committee.
federal SB 3263 (“Humane Treatment of Migrant Children Act”) Sen. Durbin Would guarantee appointment of counsel for children in immigration removal proceedings. Died in Judiciary Committee.
federal HB 6594 (“Reunite Every Unaccompanied Newborn Infant, Toddler and Other Children Expeditiously Act” Numerous representatives Would guarantee appointment of counsel for children and vulnerable adults in immigration removal proceedings. Died in Judiciary Committee.
federal SB 3540 (“Central America Reform and Enforcement Act”) Numerous senators Would guarantee appointment of counsel for children in immigration removal proceedings. Deied in Judiciary Committee.
federal HR 2472S 910 (Disability Integration Act) Numerous Representatives / Numerous Senators Would permit a court to appoint counsel where there is discrimination against an individual with disabilities in need of long-term services. HR 2472 died in Judiciary Committee.

S 910 died in Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions.

federal HB 1555 / HB 1795S 642 Numerous Representatives / Numerous Senators Would require appointment of counsel for indigent defendants in all civil forfeiture proceedings in federal court, rather than just ones involving a primary residence. HR 1555 died in Judiciary, Energy & Commerce, Ways & Means, and Financial Services Committees.

HR 1795 died in to Committees on Judiciary, Financial Services, and Energy and Commerce.

S 642 died in Committee on Judiciary.

federal HR 6942 Rep. DeLauro Would create funding for housing representation pilots at the state level. Died in Judiciary Committee.
AL HB 129 Rep. Wingo Would add more conditions for discretionary appointment of counsel for petitioners in dependency cases where petition is parent whose rights were previously terminated and who is seeking to obtain custody or visitation.  Favorable from Judiciary with substitute, but then died.
AL SB 166 Sen. Sanders Would provide a right to counsel in cases relating to failure to pay court-imposed fees and fines. Died in Judiciary Committee.
AZ HB 2028 Rep. Lawrence Requires a community college or university to provide counsel for an indigent student subject to disciplinary proceeding due to allegation of a crime. Died in House Rules and Ed Committees.
CO SB 263 Sens. Humenik and Singer Would require appointment of counsel when jail seeks to forcibly medicate an inmate. Passed Senate but House Judiciary Committee postponed indefinitely.
CT SB 514 House of Representatives Judiciary Committee Would create new process for a preliminary public health order related to communicable disease, and would require appointment of counsel for such person. Died in Joint Judiciary Committee.
D.C. B22-0012 Councilmember Evans Requires court to appoint counsel for minor ward who is 14 or older in guardianship prior to authorizing expenditures for certain medical treatments.  Also permits court to appoint counsel for minor ward in protective order proceeding involving minor’s property. Had public hearing in Judiciary and Public Safety Committee, but then died there.
DE SB 60 Numerous senators and representatives Would eliminate civil forfeituree and require appointment of counsel in criminal forfeiture proceedings for both defendants and innocent property owners. Died in Judicial & Community Affairs Committee.
FL Constitutional amendment proposal Commissioner Keiser Would create a right to counsel for all children in dependency proceedings.

Was not approved by Constitutional Convention Committee.
FL HB 549 / SB 1022 Rep Leek / Sen. Steube Requires the court to appoint counsel for a child in a parentage proceeding in lieu of a GAL if the court determines the child is of sufficient age and understanding to participate in the proceedings, unless good cause shown that attorney not needed to protect child’s best interests. HB 549 indefinitely postponed and withdrawn from Civil Justice & Claims Subcommittee.

SB 1022 received favorable report from Judiciary Committee, but Indefinitely postponed and withdrawn from Rules Committee.

HI  HB 1859  Rep. Evans Creates process for minor 16 or older to seek emancipation, and requires appointment of counsel for minor. Passed House with amendments, and passed Senate HMS Committee but died in JDC Committee.
HI HB 1885 / SB 2273 Numerous cosponsors for both bills Would require court to appoint counsel for child in tort proceeding related to child’s injury while in foster care if appointment is in best interests of child. HB 1885 passed House HHS Committee with amendments but died in JUD Committee.

SB 2273 passed House HHS Committee with amendments but died in JDC Committee.

HI SB 1061 / SB 2720  Sen. Shimabukuro Would address timing of appointment of counsel for parents in child welfare proceedings. SB 1061 died in JDL and WAM committees.

SB 2720 died in JDL and WAM committees.

IA HB 448  Rep. Carlin Creates process for commitment of individual with intellectual disability who poses danger to self/others, and requires appointment of counsel for such proceedings. Died in Judiciary Committee.
IA SSB 3187 Senate Judiciary Committee Creates process for guardianship of minors that is separate from guardianship of adults, and requires appointment of counsel for indigent parent if parent objects to guardianship and requests counsel.  Court can also appoint counsel for child. Died in Judiciary Committee.
IL HB 468 Rep. Riley Would abolish civil forfeiture and provide a right to counsel for criminal forfeiture proceedings. House tabled bill at sponsor’s request.
IL HB 689 / SB 1578 Reps. Guzzardi, Anderson, Demmer, Riley, and Skillicorn / Sen. Harmon Would permit person not named in forfeiture complaint who claims to have interest in property to intervene, and permits court to appoint counsel for such person. HB 689 passed Judiciary Committee but then died.

SB 1578 passed Judiciary Committee but then died.

KS HB 2306 House of Delegates Judiciary Committee Clarifies that civilly committed sex offender has right to appointed counsel for annual review hearing, which would implement Court of Appeals decision. Passed House but died in Senate Judiciary Committee.
KY SB 256 Sen. Westerfield Would require appointment of counsel for indigent birth parents in adoption proceedings, with counsel paid for by adoptive parents in non-kinship adoptions.  This would implement Court of Appeals ruling in S.S. v. Commonwealth (2017). Died in Judiciary Committee.
MA HB 968 / HB 3589 / SB 831 Numerous cosponsors Would guarantee counsel for indigent tenants in eviction cases, where indigence includes people below 200% of poverty level or unable to pay for counsel “without depriving himself, herself or his dependents of the necessities of life, including food, shelter and clothing.” HB 968 accompanied study order H4874.

HB 3589 accompanied study order H4874.

SB 831 accompanied study order S2313.

MA HB 2274 Rep. Donato Requires appointment of counsel for indigent guardian in child guardianship cases where guardian “makes an initial showing that he or she has been the primary caretaker for the child for at least two years or otherwise for a significant part of the child’s lifetime.” Accompanied study order H4701.
MA HB 2300 Numerous reps. Would remove right to appointed counsel in sex offender registry / classification proceedings. IAccompanied study order H4874.
MA HB 2343 Rep. Scaccia Provides a right to counsel in judicial proceedings related to health care proxies. IAccompanied study order H4874.
MA HB 2346 Rep. Scaccia Requires the appointment of counsel for the subject of a guardianship, conservatorship, or other protective order proceeding (current law requires a request). Accompanied study order H4874.
MA HB 2409 Rep. Scaccia Requires respondent in voluntary and involuntary civil commitment proceedings to be advised of right to appointed counsel. Accompanied study order H4557.
MA HB 2497 Reps. Michlewitz and Dubois, and Sen. Boncore Would create statewide gun offender registry and require appointment of counsel for person challenging registration and classification. Accompanied study order H4767.
MA HB 3114 Rep. Mirra Eliminates civil forfeiture and requires appointment of counsel for indigent persons opposing forfeiture. Accompanied study order H4874.

MA HB 2311 / SB 786 Numerous reps / Sens. Chandler, Khan, Decker, Benson, and Lewis Would create way for minor 13 or over to appear without parent or adult in order to seek or defend against protective order related to abuse/harassment, and would require appointment of counsel for such minor. HB 2311 accompanied study order H4874.

SB 786 accompanied study order S2313.

MA HB 4470 Joint Committee on Mental Health, Substance Use and Recovery Would create process for involuntary assessment and treatment related to substance abuse, and would require appointment of counsel for such proceedings. Reported out from Committee on Mental Health, Substance Abuse, and Recovery, as well as Joint Committee on Health Care Financing and House Ways and Means, but then died.
MA SB 1087 Sens. Donnelly, Gordon, L’Italien, Decker, and DiDomenico Would create process for delivery of critical community mental health services, and require appointment of counsel for hearings relating to non-compliance with case plan. Reported favorably out of Mental Health, Substance Use and Recovery Committee but Joint Committee on Health Care Financing sent it to S2535.
MA SB 1105 Sen. L’Italien Creates process for emergency civil commitment and provides right to counsel for such proceedings. Accompanied study order S2440.
MD HB 942 Dels. Rosenberg and Dumais Would provide a right to counsel for any body attachment stemming from a debt incurred in the landlord-tenant context. Died in Environment and Transportation Committee after a hearing.
MD HB 1304 Dels. Atterbeary and Dumais Creates process for minor 16 or older to seek emancipation, and requires appointment of counsel for minor. Received unfavorable report from Judiciary Committee and withdrawn.
MD HB 1335 Numerous Delegates Would require parental consent for minor to obtain abortion, and would require appointment of counsel for proceedings to bypass consent. Introduced and referred to Health and Government Operations Committee on 2/9/18.
MN HB 988 Numerous cosponsors Would create process for minor to petition for emancipation, and permits court to appoint counsel for minor or parents. Died in Civil Law and Data Practices Policy Committee.
MN HB 3973 / SB 3779 Reps. Moran and Slocum Would, among other things, require appointment of counsel for African-American parents or children petitioning to re-establish the parent-child relationship. HB 3973 died in Health and Human Services Reform Committee.

SB 3779 died in Human Services Reform Finance committee.

MN HB 2856 / HB 3984 Rep. Johnson / Rep. Kresha Would modify timing of when agency must notify child of right to appointed counsel in child welfare cases. HB 2856 passed House as amended but died in Senate Finance Committee.

HB 3984 died in Public Safety and Security Policy and Finance committees.

MO HB 2627 Rep. Burnett Would strengthen waiver provisions related to child’s right to counsel. Died in Children and Families Committee.
MS HB 1084 Reps. Arnold and Scoggin Would have required court to terminate parental rights if child conceived as result of rape or sexual battery, and would have eliminated requirement of evaluating whether to appoint counsel in such proceedings. Passed House but died in Senate Judiciary A Committee.
MS HB 1292 Rep. Wooten Would have provided a right to counsel in cases related to incarceration for failure to pay court-imposed fees and fines.

Died in Judiciary B Committee.
NE LB 158  Sen. Brooks Would clarify a child’s right to counsel in juvenile proceedings on matters related to size of county, waiver, and length of appointment. Indefinitely postponed on 4/18/18.
NJ AJR 115 Rep. Murphy Would establish the “New Jersey Domestic Violence and Legal Access Task Force”, which will examine impact of lack of access to counsel in DV cases on the state. Introduced and referred to Assembly Judiciary Committee on 4/12/18.
NJ AB 1193 Rep. Jones Would provide a right to counsel for parents in private adoption cases, codifying a NJ Supreme Court ruling. Died in Women and Children’s Committee.
NJ AB 2086 / SB 804 Reps. Lagana, Huttle, Green, Benson, and Munoz / Sens. Codey and Addiego Would create process for involuntary commitment for substance abuse and require appointed counsel for respondent. AB 2086 died in Human Services Committee.

SB 804 died in Senate Health, Human Services and Senior Citizens Committee.

NJ AB 3300 Rep. Huttle Would create process for temporary involuntary treatment for substance abuse and require appointed counsel for respondent. Died in Judiciary Committee.
NJ AB 3986 Rep. Dancer Creates process for involuntary commitment of children, and requires appointment of counsel for such children. Died in Human Services Committee.
NJ SB 1645 Rep. Diegnan Creates new process for civil commitment of a child and requires appointment of counsel if the child is indigent. Died in Senate Health, Human Services and Senior Citizens Committees.
NY AB 2433 Numerous Assembly sponsors Establishes new procedure for addressing abandoned infants, and requires appointment of counsel for such infants. Died in Judiciary Committee.
NY AB 3135 Numerous cosponsors Would provide right to counsel for any individual with disability receiving services through office of mental health or office for people with developmental disabilities when interviewed as part of investigation conducted by justice center for protection of people with special needs. Passed Assembly but died in Senate Mental Health and Developmental Disabilities Committee.
NY AB 3666 Numerous Assembly sponsors Creates process for involuntary civil commitment due to substance abuse, and requires appointment of counsel. Held for consideration by Alcoholism and Drug Abuse Committee.
NY AB 4305 Assemblyman Lawrence Requires minor to notify parents prior to abortion, and provides right to appointed counsel upon request if minor seeks judicial bypass of parental notification requirement.  Held for consideration in Health Committee.
NY AB 5637 Numerous Assembly sponsors Requires minor to obtain parental consent prior to abortion, and provides right to appointed counsel upon request if minor seeks judicial bypass of parental consent requirement.  Died in Health Committee.
NY AB 5840 / AB 8171 / SB 5842 Assemblymembers Lavine and Buchwald / Assemblymembers Lavine and Weinstein / Sen. Hannon Would require appointment of counsel for guardianships of adults with developmental disabilities. AB 5840 died in Judiciary Committee.

AB 8171 reported by Judiciary Committee but died in Codes Committee.

SB 5842 passed Senate, then died in Assembly and returned to Senate Judiciary Committee, where it died.

NY AB 5892 Numerous Assembly members Authorizes court to appoint counsel on behalf of senior citizen tenant who fails to appear in eviction proceeding.  Also forbids court from entering default against tenant who is senior citizen without appointing counsel to protect tenant’s interest. Died in Housing Committee.
NY AB 6402 Numerous Assembly cosponsors Creates process for registration of drug dealers, and requires appointment of counsel for those challenging registration tier.  Died in Correction Committee.
NY AB 6959 / SB 17 Numerous Assembly members / Sen. Hoylman and various cosponsors Establishes paternity proceedings for children born through artificial insemination or surrogate parenting, and requires counsel to be appointed for child. AB 6959 died in Judiciary Committee.

SB 17 died in Judiciary Committee.

NY AB 8909 / SB 6419 Numerous cosponsors on both bills Provides right to counsel when proceeding involves right to own firearms. AB 8909 died in Judiciary Committee.

SB 6419 died in Codes Committee.

NY AB 5856 / SB 2839 Assembly members Walker, Cook, D’Urso, and Simon / Sens. Parker, Bailey, and Hoylman Would provide a right to counsel in a number of different civil areas. AB 5856 died in Judiciary Committee.

SB 2839 died in Local Government Committee.

NY AB 3049 / SB 4075 Numerous Senators Would provide a right to counsel to those subjected to immigration removal proceedings if they reside in NY or in adjoining state and were/resided in NY when detained, questioned, or charged. AB 3049 passed Assembly and died in Senate Finance Committee.

SB 4075 died in Finance Committee.

NY AB 10478 Assemblymember Giglio Creates procedure for involuntary admission for substance abuse, and requires appointment of counsel for such proceedings. Died in Alcoholism and Drug Abuse Committee.
 NY SB 8736 Numerous cosponsors Would create victims compensation fund for child abuse victims and provide a right to appointed counsel for indigent claimants. Reported out of Finance Committee but died in Rules Committee.
NYC Intro 1085 Council members Treyger, Cumbo, Richards, Ampry-Samuel Would create a right to counsel for DV victims in divorce cases. Died in committee.
OH HB 511 Reps. Lanese and Rogers Creates process for juvenile court to approve marriage involving emancipated minors, and permits court to appoint counsel for such minors. Passed House and Senate but still died in chambers.
OK SB 93 Sen. Smalley, Rep. Biggs Would require appointment of counsel or GAL for a child in need of medical treatment prior to releasing said child from emergency state custody if parents rely on spiritual means alone to treat child. Died in Judiciary Committee.
PA HB 384 / SB 391 Numerous cosponsors for both bills Creates process for involuntary treatment due to drugs/alcohol and requires appointment of counsel for such proceedings. HB 384 introduced and referred to Human Services Committee on 2/7/17.

SB 391 introduced and referred to Judiciary Committee on 2/28/17.

PA HB 1155 Numerous cosponsors Would provide right to appointed counsel for indigent owners of real property in civil forfeiture actions where both of the following are true: a) such owners are not charged with an offense; and b) the property is being used as a primary residence by that owner. Introduced and referred to Judiciary Committee on 4/12/17.
PA HB 2058 Numerous cosponsors Would broaden circumstances where it is appropriate to appoint counsel for child in custody cases to include DV allegations that impact child (and not just allegations of abuse of child). Referred to Judiciary Committee on 2/5/18.
PA HB 2227 Numerous cosponsors Would require appointment of counsel for “extreme risk protection order” proceedings related to possession of firearms. Introduced and referred to Judiciary Committee on 4/16/18.  Reported as amended on 6/19/18.  Laid on the table on 9/12/18.  Removed from table on 9/24/18.
PA SB 314 Numerous cosponsors Creates process for registration of domestic violence predators, and requires appointment of counsel for those challenging registration. Introduced and referred to Judiciary Committee on 2/15/17.
PA SB 743 Sens. Greenleaf, Rafferty, Schwank, and Mensch Would repeal the Mental Health Procedures Act and replace it with new provisions.  Right to counsel provisions of former Act are rewritten in new version with substantially same coverage. Introduced and referred to Health and Human Services Committee on 6/5/17.
PA SB 884 Sens. Greenleaf, Eichelberger, and Browne Would require appointment of counsel in guardianship proceedings not just in “appropriate cases” (current law) but also in any case where the court knows in advance that potential ward will not be present either in person or by videoconference. Introduced and referred to Judiciary Committee on 9/11/17.  Reported as committed on 3/27/18.  Referred to Appropriations Committee on 4/20/18.  Laid on table on 6/22/18.
PA SB 899 Numerous cosponsors Would establish new adult protective proceedings and require appointment of counsel prior to the imposition of services. Introduced and referred to Aging and Youth Committee on 9/26/17.  Reported as amended on 6/21/18.  Re-referred to Appropriations Committee on 6/22/18.  Re-reported on 9/25/18.  Passed Senate on 10/15/18.  Referred to House Aging and Older Adult Services Committee on 10/17/18.
RI HB 7226 / SB 2303 Numerous cosponsors for both bills Would enact the Uniform Parentage Act, which would permit the court to appoint counsel for a child in such proceedings. HB 7226 died in House Judiciary Committee, which recommended holding for further study.

SB 2303 died in House Judiciary Committee, which recommended holding for further study.

RI HB 7724 / HB 7725 Numerous representatives on all bills Would create process for involuntary commitment for substance abuse, and require appointment of counsel for such proceedings. HB 7724 died in House Judiciary Committee, which recommended holding for further study.

HB 7725 passed House as amended but died in Senate.

VA HB 934 / HB 1133 / SB 296 Del. Hope / Del. Rasoul / Sen. Edwards Would have required appointment of counsel prior to court authorizing medical/mental health treatment of inmate who allegedly lacks ability to consent to such treatment. HB 934 passed House and then passed Senate with substitute, but House rejected substitute and conference committee failed to reconcile.

HB 1133 left in Courts of Justice after subcommittee recommended laying it on the table.

SB 296 stricken at request of Patron of Committee.

VT HB 263 Reps. Lucke, Frank, Christie, Dunn, and Savage Provides procedure for health care worker exposed to bodily fluids of patient with communicable disease to petition court to obtain blood sample from patient, and appoints counsel for “any indigent client not already represented.” Died in Committee on Human Services.
VT HB 880 Numerous cosponsors Would amend law so that no only intellectually disabled individuals themselves could seek sterilization (i.e., would eliminate involuntary sterilization), and clarifies that individual is still entitled to appointed counsel as petitioner. Died in Committee on Human Services.
WA HB 1003 SB 5320 Numerous cosponsors Requires parental notification for minor to obtain abortion, and requires appointment of counsel for minor in judicial bypass proceeding. HB 1003  died in Health Care & Wellness Committee.

SB 5320 held at Senate Desk, which ruled “X” file in 2017.  Reintroduced in 2018 and went nowhere.

WA HB 1251 / SB 5363 Numerous Representatives / Numerous Senators Would require counsel to be appointed for a child two years or older in dependency proceedings. HB 1251 substitute passed Committee on Judiciary but died in Appropriations Committee.  Reintroduced in 2018 but went nowhere.

SB 5363 died in Human Services and Corrections Committee.

WV HB 2808 Delegates Summers, Atkinson, Ellington, Rohrbach, and Shott Would create process for involuntary outpatient treatment and require appointment of counsel for proceedings to establish such treatment. Passed House but died in Senate Health & Human Resources Committee.