Current Legislative Developments
Caution: A bill’s status as ‘Active’ may fall out of date due to variations in state session dates, special sessions, and other factors. However, we monitor state sessions and manually update bill statuses as frequently as resources permit. To find information about state session dates, visit the MultiState website.
View pre-2025 civil right to counsel legislation
Enacted Bills
UtahCustody Disputes - Children
The arbitrator in a 'family law dispute' may appoint an attorney, GAL, or 'other representative' for a child.Governor Signed in Lieutenant Governor's office for filing -
UtahOther subject area
Provides right to counsel for persons about whom the court is making a capacity determination in the context of health care decisionsGovernor Signed in Lieutenant Governor's office for filing
Active Bills
AlaskaAbuse/Neglect/Dependency - Children
Civil Commitment
Amends Alaska Child in Need of Aid Rule 12.1(b) to provide attorney for children placed in acute psychiatric hospitalsVERSION: HB 36 -
ArizonaAbuse/Neglect/Dependency - Accused Parents
Abuse/Neglect/Dependency - Children
Termination of Parental Rights (State) - Birth Parents
Termination of Parental Rights (State) - Children
Creating right to counsel for indigent parents of Indian children and permissive appointment for Indian children if in their best interestSenate read second time -
ArizonaCivil Commitment
Involuntary Medical Treatment (incomplete)
Creates new procedure for the involuntary stabilization of an individual and a right to counsel upon issuance of order.House HHS Committee action: Do Pass, voting: (8-3-0-1-0-0) -
ArkansasBypass of Parental Input into Abortion - Minor (Pre-Dobbs)
Repeals requirement that minors obtain parental consent for abortion, therefore negating bypass of consent procedures and associated RTC.REPORTED CORRECTLY ENGROSSED -
CaliforniaAbuse/Neglect/Dependency - Children
Nonminor dependent's counsel must represent client's wishes even if there's an apparent conflict between wishes and protection or safetyRead second time. Ordered to third reading. -
Would create a right to counsel for unaccompanied undocumented minors in the physical custody of the federal Office of Refugee Resettlement and present in California or residing with a family member or other of sponsor in California.Re-referred to Com. on JUD. -
ColoradoForfeiture (incomplete)
If defendant is represented by appointed counsel in criminal matter, the representation extends to any related forfeiture case.House Committee on Judiciary Witness Testimony and/or Committee Discussion Only -
ColoradoAbuse/Neglect/Dependency - Accused Parents
Abuse/Neglect/Dependency - Children
Termination of Parental Rights (State) - Birth Parents
Termination of Parental Rights (State) - Children
The "Colorado Indian Child Welfare Act"Introduced In Senate - Assigned to Health & Human Services -
ColoradoGuardianship/Conservatorship of Adults - Protected Person
Guardianship/Conservatorship of Children - Child (incomplete)
Adopting the UGCOPA Act, requiring appointment of counsel for certain minors and adults subject to such matters.Introduced In Senate - Assigned to Judiciary -
DelawareOther subject area
Would provide right to counsel for certain relatives petitioning for termination of parental rights for the purposes of adoption.Introduced and Assigned to Judiciary Committee in Senate -
Appears to be an attempt to reduce access to counsel for unaccompanied children in immigration mattersReferred to the Subcommittee on Border Security and Enforcement. -
Appears to be an attempt to reduce access to counsel for unaccompanied children in immigration mattersRead twice and referred to the Committee on the Judiciary. -
FederalForfeiture (incomplete)
Amending federal law that permits appointment of counsel for certain individuals in forfeiture matters to slightly broaden access to counsel.Read twice and referred to the Committee on the Judiciary. -
Would provide right to counsel for minors appealing denial of adjustment of immigration status who meet certain conditions.Sponsor introductory remarks on measure. (CR H884) -
FederalHousing - Evictions
Creating federal fund to remove barriers to building affordable housing, with one allowable use being providing access to counsel to tenants facing eviction.Referred to the Committee on Financial Services, and in addition to the Committees on the Judiciary, Veterans' Affairs, and Ways and Means, for a period to be subsequently determined by the Speaker, in each case for consideration of such provisions as fall within the jurisdiction of the committee concerned. -
HawaiiAbuse/Neglect/Dependency - Children
Truancy - Petition Against Child
Prohibiting court from assessing fees for child's atty or GAL against their parent in truancy, delinquency, and abuse cases.Report adopted; referred to the committee(s) on FIN as amended in HD 2 with Representative(s) Kila, Lamosao, Reyes Oda, Shimizu voting aye with reservations; Representative(s) Alcos, Garcia, Matsumoto, Muraoka, Pierick voting no (5) and Representative(s) Cochran, Kitagawa, Ward excused (3). -
HawaiiAbuse/Neglect/Dependency - Children
Establishes a working group to improve family court processes including access to legal representation for youth in child protection proceedings.Bill scheduled to be heard by FIN on Monday, 02-24-25 12:00PM in House conference room 308 VIA VIDEOCONFERENCE. -
HawaiiAbuse/Neglect/Dependency - Children
Truancy - Petition Against Child
Prohibiting the court from assessing fees for a child's appointed attorney or GAL against their parent in truancy, delinquency, and abuse cases.The committee on JHA recommend that the measure be PASSED, WITH AMENDMENTS. The votes were as follows: 7 Ayes: Representative(s) Tarnas, Poepoe, Belatti, Kahaloa, Perruso, Takayama, Todd; Ayes with reservations: none; 2 Noes: Representative(s) Garcia, Shimizu; and 2 Excused: Representative(s) Cochran, Hashem. -
HawaiiAbuse/Neglect/Dependency - Children
Establishes a working group to improve family court processes including access to legal representation for youth in child protection proceedings.Report adopted; Passed Second Reading, as amended (SD 1) and referred to WAM. -
HawaiiHousing - Evictions
The bill aims to increase funding for legal services for tenants.Passed Second Reading as amended in HD 1 and referred to the committee(s) on CPC with none voting aye with reservations; Representative(s) Garcia, Muraoka, Pierick voting no (3) and Representative(s) Ward excused (1). -
IdahoAbuse/Neglect/Dependency - Accused Parents
Termination of Parental Rights (State) - Birth Parents
Would eliminate RTC for parents in termination of parental rights cases except where constitutionally required.Reported out of Committee, Recommend place on General Orders -
IdahoGuardianship/Conservatorship of Adults - Protected Person
Guardianship/Conservatorship of Children - Child (incomplete)
Guardianship/Conservatorship of Children - Parent or Guardian
Strengthens the right to counsel for adults and minors in guardianship proceedings.Reported Printed; referred to Judiciary & Rules -
IllinoisBypass of Parental Input into Abortion - Minor (Pre-Dobbs)
Reinstates parental notification of abortion requirement for minors; they have right to counsel upon request in seeking waiver of requirement.Added Co-Sponsor Rep. Tony M. McCombie -
IllinoisBypass of Parental Input into Abortion - Minor (Pre-Dobbs)
Reinstates parental notification of abortion requirement for minors; they have right to counsel upon request in seeking waiver of requirement.Added Co-Sponsor Rep. Patrick Windhorst -
IllinoisForfeiture (incomplete)
Provides a right to counsel for forfeiture defendants who were represented by appointed counsel in the related criminal matterReferred to Rules Committee -
IllinoisBypass of Parental Input into Abortion - Minor (Pre-Dobbs)
Reinstates parental notification of abortion requirement for minors; they have right to counsel upon request in seeking waiver of requirement.Referred to Rules Committee -
IllinoisBypass of Parental Input into Abortion - Minor (Pre-Dobbs)
Reinstates parental notification of abortion requirement for minors; they have right to counsel upon request in seeking waiver of requirement.Rule 19(a) / Re-referred to Rules Committee -
IndianaAbuse/Neglect/Dependency - Children
Termination of Parental Rights (State) - Children
Requires counsel for 'eligible children' in abuse cases where the child is placed or sought to be placed in certain facilities.Representative Harris added as coauthor -
IowaAbuse/Neglect/Dependency - Children
Requires the appointment of counsel for youth age 10 and older. A child younger than 10 would be appointed counsel and a GAL.Committee report approving bill, renumbered as HF 953. -
IowaAbuse/Neglect/Dependency - Children
Requires the appointment of counsel for youth age 10 and older. A child younger than 10 would be appointed counsel and a GAL.Read first time, referred to Health and Human Services. S.J. 659. -
KansasCustody Disputes - Children
Enacts Uniform Family Law Arbitration Act permits arbitrator to appoint an atty, GAL, or "other representative" for a child in custody mattersHouse Withdrawn from Committee on Corrections and Juvenile Justice; Referred to Committee on Judiciary -
KansasGuardianship/Conservatorship of Adults - Protected Person
Guardianship/Conservatorship of Children - Child (incomplete)
Guardianship/Conservatorship of Children - Parent or Guardian
Enacts the Uniform Guardianship, Conservatorship, and Other Protective Arrangements (UGCOPA) Act.House Enrolled and presented to Governor on Tuesday, March 25, 2025 -
MarylandHousing - Evictions
Proposes elimination of the Access to Counsel in Evictions Task Force but would lift the sunset on the program's primary yearly funding source. Same as SB 154.Hearing 2/11 at 1:00 p.m. (Appropriations) -
MarylandHousing - Evictions
Proposes elimination of the Access to Counsel in Evictions Task Force but would lift the sunset on the program's primary yearly funding source. Same as HB 103.Hearing 3/26 at 2:30 p.m. (Appropriations) -
MarylandAbuse/Neglect/Dependency - Accused Parents
Local soc. servs. dep't or law enforcement must give respondent notice of their rights at initial contact in child abuse/neglect investigationHearing 2/13 at 1:00 p.m. -
MarylandHousing - Evictions
Access to Counsel in Evictions – Special Fund – AlterationHearing 2/11 at 1:00 p.m. (Appropriations) -
MassachusettsHousing - Evictions
Would provide $2.5 million in funding to continue statewide tenant rep pilot program.Read; and referred to the temporary committee on House Ways and Means -
MassachusettsHousing - Evictions
Establishes the "Housing First and Housing for All Fund" to be used for a variety of purposes including the right to counsel. [Same as HB 3060]Senate concurred -
MassachusettsSexually Dangerous Persons - Registration/Notification
Revokes the right to counsel for persons alleged to be sexually dangerous in classification/registration mattersSenate concurred -
MassachusettsInvoluntary Medical Treatment (incomplete)
Creates process for "critical community mental health service treatment plans" for which "the court, if necessary, shall appoint counsel." [Same as SB 1115]Senate concurred -
MassachusettsHousing - Evictions
Establishes Access to Counsel Program for eviction and similar matters, providing full representation to certain tenants and owner occupantsSenate concurred -
MassachusettsHousing - Evictions
Establishes the "Housing First and Housing for All Fund" to be used for a variety of purposes including the right to counsel. [Same as HB 1480]Senate concurred -
MassachusettsHousing - Evictions
Establishes Access to Counsel Program for eviction and similar matters, providing full representation to certain tenants and owner occupantsHouse concurred -
MassachusettsInvoluntary Medical Treatment (incomplete)
Creates process for "critical community mental health service treatment plans" for which "the court, if necessary, shall appoint counsel." [Same as HB 1801]House concurred -
MassachusettsOther subject area
Provides right to counsel to indigent surrogate decision makers in matters related to revocation of their decision making authoritySenate concurred -
MassachusettsOther subject area
Provides right to counsel to indigent surrogate decision makers in matters related to revocation of their decision making authoritySenate concurred -
MassachusettsConsumer or Other Debt
Other subject area
The court shall appoint counsel to represent decedent's homestead where an additional stay of a creditor's foreclosure action was deniedSenate concurred -
MassachusettsOther subject area
Provides right to counsel to indigent surrogate decision makers in matters related to revocation of their decision making authorityHouse concurred -
MinnesotaRequires court to appoint attorney adviser or guardian ad litem in cases involving civil settlement agreement where court has reason to believe person has brain injuryReferred to Judiciary and Public Safety
MissouriAbuse/Neglect/Dependency - Children
Provides right to client directed counsel for children between 14 and 17 years of age in abuse matters.Referred H Judiciary -
MissouriAbuse/Neglect/Dependency - Children
Termination of Parental Rights (State) - Children
Truancy - Petition Against Child
Replaces right to atty GAL in abuse/TPR matters with RTC and discretionary appointment in truancy cases with mandatory appointmentSecond Read and Referred S Families, Seniors and Health Committee -
MissouriAbuse/Neglect/Dependency - Children
Creates right to counsel for children 14 years of age or older but less than 18 in abuse cases, beginning in January 2028, and other changes.Action Postponed (H) -
MontanaAbuse/Neglect/Dependency - Accused Parents
Would have required notice, a hearing, and a right to counsel in child abuse registry matters(S) Revised Fiscal Note Printed -
NebraskaTruancy - Petition Against Child
Exempting parents and juveniles from having to pay certain costs in a variety of matters including truancy proceedings under Section 43 247(3).Dungan name added -
NebraskaOther subject area
Provides a right to counsel to unrepresented individuals in matters related to determinations of their capacity to make health care decisions.Notice of hearing for March 19, 2025 -
NevadaAbuse/Neglect/Dependency - Accused Parents
Expands discretionary appointment for parents in abuse cases; requires counsel for indigent parent respondents absent 'good cause.'From printer. To committee. -
NevadaGuardianship/Conservatorship of Children - Child (incomplete)
In guardianships, kid's counsel is discretionary, unless local legal aid has capacity, in which case counsel must be appointed.From printer. To committee. -
NevadaOther subject area
Non Substantive: Amends provision related to discretionary appointment of counsel for persons bringing civil action for wrongful convictionRead first time. To committee. -
New HampshireForfeiture (incomplete)
Provides a right to counsel to forfeiture defendants who are represented by appointed counsel in related criminal matterLay HB615 on Table (Rep. Osborne): Motion Adopted DV 195-163 03/13/2025 House Journal 8 -
New HampshireIncarceration for Fees/Fines (incomplete)
Abolishing recoupment procedures regarding appointed counsel for indigent criminal defendants which impacts fees and fines mattersExecutive Session: 04/01/2025 10:00 am Legislative Office Building 210-211 -
New MexicoOther subject area
Providing RTC to children and certain parents in reinstatement of parental rights matters, including on appealSent to SHPAC - Referrals: SHPAC/SJC -
New YorkImmigration
Providing right to counsel to income eligible individuals in immigration court removal proceedings.referred to codes -
New YorkHousing - Evictions
The court may appoint counsel in residential eviction cases for 'senior citizen' respondents if respondent is unrepresented or fails to appear.referred to housing -
New YorkCustody Disputes - Children
Termination of Parental Rights (State) - Children
Would create special dependency process for "special immigration juveniles" and require appointment of counsel for minors in such proceedings.referred to children and families -
New YorkImmigration
Providing right to counsel to income eligible individuals in immigration court removal proceedings.REFERRED TO FINANCE -
New YorkImmigration
Providing right to counsel to persons "unable to afford counsel" against whom a removal proceeding may be or has been commencedREFERRED TO FINANCE -
New YorkBypass of Parental Input into Abortion - Minor (Pre-Dobbs)
Requires minors to notify parent of intent to seek abortion and provides counsel if minor seeks waiver of requirementREFERRED TO WOMEN'S ISSUES -
New YorkOther subject area
Provides a right to legal services for small 'covered businesses' in certain bankruptcy cases filed before March 27, 2026.referred to judiciary -
New YorkHousing - Evictions
Requiring a minimum 14 day continuance for eviction respondents entitled to counsel but unable to secure counsel through no fault of their own.referred to judiciary -
New YorkOther subject area
The court may appoint atty for some unrepresented defendants in matters related to animal caretaking costs where the animal was confiscatedreferred to agriculture -
New YorkCustody Disputes - Children
Requires court to appoint counsel for child in custody dispute "when facially credible allegations of substantial risk to the child's safety have been made."referred to judiciary -
New YorkAll Basic Human Needs
Would create state agency to provide discretionary appointment of counsel for civil cases and require it for certain cases involving revocation/suspension of driver's license.
2025/03/24 Would create RTC for indigent person facing revocation/suspension of driver's license in certain situations.referred to judiciary -
New YorkImmigration
Would provide a right to counsel for unaccompanied minors in immigration proceedings.PRINT NUMBER 1650A -
New YorkAll Basic Human Needs
Would create state agency to provide discretionary appointment of counsel for civil cases and require it for certain cases involving revocation/suspension of driver's license.REFERRED TO JUDICIARY -
New YorkAbuse/Neglect/Dependency - Children
Would create special dependency process for "special immigration juveniles" and require appointment of counsel for minors in such proceedings.
2025/03/24 Would create special dependency process for "special immigration juveniles" and require appointment of counsel for minors in such proceedings.REFERRED TO CHILDREN AND FAMILIES -
New YorkBenefits - Claimant
Custody Disputes - Parents
Housing - Discrimination
Housing - Evictions
Housing - General
Creates right to counsel for veterans at 400% of federal poverty level for cases involving real property, sustenance, and children.REFERRED TO JUDICIARY -
New YorkCustody Disputes - Children
Requires court to appoint counsel for child in custody dispute "when facially credible allegations of substantial risk to the child's safety have been made."REFERRED TO JUDICIARY -
New YorkSexually Dangerous Persons - Registration/Notification
Requires appointment of counsel for sex offenders challenging requirement to wear GPS device.referred to correction -
New YorkOther subject area
Would provide a right to counsel in relation to proceedings involving loss of access to firearms.REFERRED TO CODES -
New YorkOther subject area
Would provide right to counsel for certain covered businesses in bankruptcy proceedings.REFERRED TO FINANCE -
New YorkBenefits - Claimant
Child Support Establishment
Housing - Evictions
Housing - General
Other subject area
Provides for the discretionary appointment of counsel in a variety of civil areas for veterans at or below 400% of the FPLreferred to judiciary -
New YorkHousing - Evictions
Creates a right to full representation for 'eligible individuals' in covered matters, which include eviction and similar proceedings.referred to judiciary -
New YorkHousing - Evictions
Would create NY Office of Civil Representation to oversee right to counsel for those facing a loss of housing or seeking to enforce the warranty of habitability.REFERRED TO HOUSING, CONSTRUCTION AND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT -
New YorkOther subject area
Would provide a right to counsel in relation to proceedings involving loss of access to firearms.referred to judiciary -
New YorkImmigration
Would provide a right to counsel for unaccompanied minors in immigration proceedings. [Same as AB 2582]referred to social services -
North DakotaDomestic Violence - Accused Person
Domestic Violence - Alleged Victim
Court may appoint an attorney guardian ad litem in civil protection order actions for a certain minorIntroduced, first reading, referred to Judiciary -
OhioHousing - Evictions
Creating legal service housing defense fund to be administered by state public defenderReferred to committee: Judiciary -
OhioHousing - Evictions
Creates fund for representation of tenants in eviction proceedings and provides that Ohio Access to Justice Foundation must contract with legal services providers to provide full legal representation to tenants with children who are below 250% of the federal poverty level.Referred to committee: Judiciary -
OklahomaOther subject area
Creates process to determine whether person lacks capacity to make or revoke health care decision / instruction or power of attorney, and requires appointment of counsel for the person.First Reading -
OregonAbuse/Neglect/Dependency - Accused Parents
Requires DHS to advise 'subject persons' being investigated for child abuse of their rights at investigation interview or property searchReferred to Early Childhood and Human Services. -
OregonAbuse/Neglect/Dependency - Accused Parents
Requires DHS to provide written notice of rights to parent or guardian subjects of abuse investigations before any face to face meeting.Work Session held. -
OregonAbuse/Neglect/Dependency - Accused Parents
Abuse/Neglect/Dependency - Children
Termination of Parental Rights (Private) - Birth Parents
Termination of Parental Rights (State) - Birth Parents
Termination of Parental Rights (State) - Children
Replacing right to counsel with discretionary appointment for certain children and parents in abuse and TPR (State) casesReferred to Judiciary. -
PennsylvaniaSexually Dangerous Persons - Registration/Notification
Creates new process for registration of sex offenders and provides a right to counsel for the offender.Referred to JUDICIARY -
PennsylvaniaSexually Dangerous Persons - Registration/Notification
Creates new process for registration of sex offenders and provides a right to counsel for the offender.Referred to JUDICIARY -
Rhode IslandHousing - Evictions
Creating right to legal representation for eligible tenants in certain eviction and similar mattersIntroduced, referred to Senate Judiciary -
South CarolinaCustody Disputes - Children
Amends discretionary appointment of GAL for kids in custody cases to require the GAL to be a licensed atty, unless both parents are pro seReferred to Committee on Judiciary -
TennesseeOther subject area
The court must appoint counsel before revoking the provisional right to vote. Same as SB 1119.Assigned to s/c Criminal Justice Subcommittee -
TennesseeOther subject area
The court must appoint counsel before revoking the provisional right to vote. Same as HB 1053.Passed on Second Consideration, refer to Senate Judiciary Committee -
TennesseeAbuse/Neglect/Dependency - Accused Parents
Abuse/Neglect/Dependency - Children
Termination of Parental Rights (State) - Birth Parents
Termination of Parental Rights (State) - Children
Requires counsel for parents and custodians of Indian children in removal, placement and TPR; permits appointment of counsel for Indian kids.Passed on Second Consideration, refer to Senate Judiciary Committee -
TexasOther subject area
The court shall appoint an atty ad litem in a partition action to represent the interests of any joint owners whose name or location is unknownReferred to Business & Commerce -
TexasCustody Disputes - Children
Custody Disputes - Parents
Termination of Parental Rights (Private) - Birth Parents
Termination of Parental Rights (Private) - Children
Non substantive: Amends family code sections covering permissive appointment of amicus counsel for parents or children in custody and TPR (Private) mattersReferred to Jurisprudence -
TexasAbuse/Neglect/Dependency - Children
Would clarify that appointment of attorney ad litem for child in neglect case cannot be later than 72 hours before the full adversary hearing.Referred to s/c on Family & Fiduciary Relationships by Speaker -
TexasAbuse/Neglect/Dependency - Accused Parents
Specifies that parent entitled to appointment of counsel in abuse/neglect cases can select their own attorney, who can then be compensated by the State.Filed -
UtahGuardianship/Conservatorship of Adults - Protected Person
The court must appoint counsel for some unrepresented adults in guardianship cases filed due to alleged "severe intellectual disability"Senate/ to Governor in Executive Branch - Governor -
VermontHousing - Evictions
Provides right to court appointed counsel for indigent tenants in evictionsRead first time and referred to the Committee on General and Housing -
VermontHousing - Evictions
Provides right to court appointed counsel for indigent tenants in evictionsRead 1st time & referred to Committee on Economic Development, Housing and General Affairs -
VirginiaAbuse/Neglect/Dependency - Children
Truancy - Petition Against Child
Prohibiting the court from requiring parents to pay the costs of child's attorney or GAL in abuse/neglect and truancy mattersLeft in Finance and Appropriations -
VirginiaTermination of Parental Rights (Private) - Children
Creates cause of action for the private termination of parental rights due to a conception resulting from sexual assault, for which court may appoint guardian ad litem for the child.Left in Courts of Justice -
VirginiaIncarceration for Fees/Fines (incomplete)
Prohibiting the court from levying appointed counsel fees against indigent criminal defendants, which could impact civil fees and fines matters.Left in Appropriations -
VirginiaAbuse/Neglect/Dependency - Children
Truancy - Petition Against Child
Prohibiting the court from requiring parents to pay the costs of child's attorney or GAL in abuse/neglect and truancy mattersLeft in Finance and Appropriations -
WashingtonHousing - Evictions
Before the deadline in summons, tenants must respond in writing and provide supporting documentation to OCLA or they cannot receive attorney.First reading, referred to Housing. -
WashingtonInvoluntary Medical Treatment (incomplete)
Related to right to counsel in involuntary medical treatment mattersFirst reading, referred to Civil Rights & Judiciary. -
WashingtonHousing - Evictions
Updating statutory language, e.g., that on the Eviction Summons, to inform tenants that they may lose RTC if they fail to respond by deadlinePublic hearing in the House Committee on Housing at 1:30 PM. -
WashingtonHousing - Evictions
Before deadline in summons, tenants must respond in writing and provide supporting documentation to OCLA or they cannot receive attorneyPublic hearing in the Senate Committee on Housing at 10:30 AM. -
WashingtonHousing - Evictions
Attempts to address eviction court capacity issues by permitting county judges to appoint housing commissioners to hear eviction mattersPublic hearing in the Senate Committee on Housing at 10:30 AM. -
WashingtonInvoluntary Medical Treatment (incomplete)
Related to right to counsel in involuntary medical treatment mattersScheduled for executive session in the House Committee on Civil Rights & Judiciary at 10:30 AM -
WashingtonHousing - Evictions
Attempts to address eviction court capacity issues by permitting county judges to appoint housing commissioners to hear eviction mattersThird reading, passed; yeas, 49; nays, 0; absent, 0; excused, 0. -
West VirginiaAbuse/Neglect/Dependency - Children
Creates pilot program to apparently test out new delivery model for legal services for children in neglect abuse/cases.
2025/03/19 Creating pilot program in three locations to provide publicly delivered legal services for children in juvenile abuse and neglect casesTo House Finance -
West VirginiaGuardianship/Conservatorship of Children - Parent or Guardian
Termination of Parental Rights (Private) - Birth Parents
In adoptions/guardianships stemming from abuse matter, requiring appointed counsel for potential adoptive parents or guardiansTo House Judiciary -
West VirginiaForfeiture (incomplete)
Provides counsel in controlled substances forfeiture matters where the person was represented by appointed counsel in the related criminal caseMarkup Discussion -
West VirginiaForfeiture (incomplete)
Provides counsel in controlled substances forfeiture matters where the person was represented by appointed counsel in the related criminal caseTo House Judiciary -
West VirginiaForfeiture (incomplete)
Provides counsel in controlled substances forfeiture matters where the person was represented by appointed counsel in the related criminal caseTo Judiciary
Dead Bills
ColoradoCivil Commitment
Repealing right to counsel for minor's objecting to their continued hospitalization for mental health treatmentHouse Committee on Health & Human Services Postpone Indefinitely -
MississippiTermination of Parental Rights (State) - Children
Bill would have removed the requirement that a court appoints BOTH an atty and a GAL for a child in a TPR (State) caseDied In Committee -
MississippiAbuse/Neglect/Dependency - Children
Termination of Parental Rights (State) - Children
Requiring court to make a finding on the record about whether a conflict exists btw child atty's dual roleDied In Committee