California Sargent Shriver Pilots Codification of pilots: Cal. Gov. Code § 68651 (previously AB 590).   First report to the Judicial Council (July 2017) Fact sheet about the pilots  Brian Brophy, Civil Right to Counsel Through the States Using California’s Efficiency Project As A Model Towards a Civil Gideon, 8 Hastings Race & Poverty L. J. 39 (Winter 2011). Judicial Council of California, Report to the Judicial Council: Sargent Shriver Civil Counsel Act: Selection of Pilot Projects (April 29, 2011). See also San Francisco Administrative Office of the Courts (AOC), Judicial Council Meeting Minutes (Apr. 29, 2011) (approving the selections in the Report).  Sarah Conn Martin, Appointed Counsel in Civil Cases: How California’s Pilot Project Compares to Access to Counsel In Other Developed Countries, 37 J. Legal Prof. 281 (Spring 2013). Recent Legislation, Access To Justice — Civil Right To Counsel — California Establishes Pilot Programs To Expand Access To Counsel For Low-Income Parties, 123 Harvard L.R. 1532 (2010). Clare Pastore, California’s Sargent Shriver Civil Counsel Act Tests Impact of More Assistance for Low-Income Litigants, 47 Clearinghouse Rev. J. of Poverty L. and Pol’y 97 (July-Aug. 2013).

California Sargent Shriver Pilots