Gordanier v. Jonsson (Office of Public Advocacy v. Alaska Court System), No. 3AN-06-8887-CI (Alaska Super. Ct. 2007). The documents from the lower court proceeding are on file with the National Coalition for a Civil Right to Counsel. Docs from OPS v. ACS (appeal of Gordanier to the Alaska Supreme Court): Appellant’s brief Appellant’s statement of points on appeal Appellee Johnsson brief Appellee ACS brief Amicus brief ABA Amicus brief Alaska legal services providers Amicus brief retired judges Order for supplemental memos Order dismissing appeal
Gordanier v. Jonsson (Office of Public Advocacy v. Alaska Court System), No. 3AN-06-8887-CI (Alaska Super. Ct. 2007). The documents from the lower court proceeding are on file with the National Coalition for a Civil Right to Counsel.
Docs from OPS v. ACS (appeal of Gordanier to the Alaska Supreme Court):