Bills seeking to reinstate parental notification of abortion requirement die

03/16/2023 , Illinois , Legislation , Bypass of Parental Input into Abortion - Minor (Pre-Dobbs)

During the 2023-2024 legislative session, Illinois introduced six different bills that sought to reinstate the requirement that minors seeking an abortion notify their parents.  If the bills had been enacted, the bypass of parental notification procedure would also have been reinstated.  If a minor were to exemption from the notification requirement, the minor would file a petition in court related to the bypass request.  For the court process, the minor would be entitled to both a guardian ad litem (GAL) and an attorney upon request.

See HB 2175HB 4300, HB 2606, and HB 4698, HB 5826, and HB 4302, all of which died in the House Rules Committee.

Last action (on 03/16/2023): Added Co-Sponsor Rep. Chris Miller