U.S. rank on access to civil justice in Rule of Law Index: 116th out of 142 countries

10/25/2023 , National , Report , All Basic Human Needs

The World Justice Project’s 2023 Rule of Law Index ranks the U.S. 116th out of 142 countries on “accessibility and affordability of civil justice.”  This is a drop from the country’s 108th place in 2020.  This factor measures:


the accessibility and affordability of civil courts, including whether people are aware of available remedies, can access and a afford legal advice and representation, and can access the court system without incurring unreasonable fees, encountering unreasonable procedural hurdles, or experiencing physical or linguistic barriers.


The U.S. rank dropped over 40 spots from 2015 to 2021.

The 2014 report said of the U.S. that “Civil legal assistance is frequently expensive or unavailable, and the gap between rich and poor individuals in terms of both actual use of and satisfaction with the court system is significant.”

The NCCRC's John Pollock was one of the contributing experts to the report.