Webinar tackles funding and race issues in eviction right to counsel
On January 30, 2020, the Shriver Center’s Racial Justice Institute hosted a webinar about strategies for using data, obtaining funding, working with tenant organizers, and engaging strategic partners to advance a right to counsel for tenants facing eviction. NCCRC Coordinator John Pollock served as one of the speakers to address the growing nationwide movement as well as some of the racial demographics of the eviction crisis.
Here are the materials from the webinar:
- Webinar audio/video recording
- Slides providing overview of webinar (Shriver Center)
- Slides on RTC background, racial demographic data, and current efforts (NCCRC)
- Slides on Philadelphia’s campaign for eviciton right to counsel (Rasheedah Phillips, Shriver Center)
NCCRC Coordinator John Pollock was one of the presenters on the webinar.