How The Comprehensive Bibliography Works

This bibliography is a collection of the most relevant civil right to counsel materials known to the NCCRC. We’ve collected law review articles, case documents, media stories, studies/reports, resolutions, etc.

Please remember the following: 

  • Hyperlinks may not work. Hyperlinks are provided where known, but given the volatility of the Internet, they are not guaranteed to work.
  • Not every case is included. We’ve only included cases that are particularly significant (often because they involve a subject area with little case law) or directly involved NCCRC. Many cases involving the right to counsel in termination of parental rights, abuse/neglect, civil commitment, and civil contempt matters are not included.
  • On file with the NCCRC. Certain materials are “on file with NCCRC.” To get more information about these resources, please email us.
  • Bibliography organization: Resources related to a particular subject (ex: housing) will always be found in the bibliography section related to that subject.  In other words, a study, pilot, speech, initiative, bill, or law review article concerning housing will only be found in the “housing” category.

Continue on to the comprehensive bibliography.