Interactive Map

Our interactive map allows you to see recent activity, established rights to counsel, NCCRC involvement, and NCCRC presence by state.

Without a lawyer, I could lose access to my child.
"I'm a good mother; I'm a lousy lawyer." - Unrepresented custody plaintiff in King v. King
Without a lawyer, I could lose access to my housing.
Without a lawyer, I could lose access to my income.

Upcoming events

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Tenant right to counsel


We maintain a comprehensive tenant right to counsel resource page, including a guide to all of the enacted city/ state laws, organizing success stories, and more. Check it out!


Why a Right to counsel?


For many types of civil cases, the potential consequences of losing are dramatic: loss of one's home, children, livelihood, education, health, safety, liberty, or even life.  In such cases, the right to an attorney for people who can't afford one protects these basic rights, helps the court reach the correct result, saves more money than it costs, and serves as a best practice in our communities.  While every state provides a right to counsel for some types of civil cases, it's a patchwork at best. Since 2003, the NCCRC and its participants and partners have fought for such a right in states nationwide.


The NCCRC: 20 years of progress!


That's right! The NCCRC has been advancing the right to counsel in civil matters for two decades! We are so excited by the work we've done and supported throughout the years. Be sure to explore our 20th Anniversary Report and check out the NCCRC's spread in the Public Justice Center's Annual Report (FY 2023). We look forward to continuing our work advancing the right to counsel in civil cases alongside our incredible participants, partners, and supporters!




Want to learn about practically everything (media story, study/report, law review article, etc.) that's ever been written about the civil right to counsel?  You'll find it in our bibliographies.