Bellevue School Dist. v. E.S., 199 P.3d 1010 (Wash. App. 2009), rev’d, 257 P.3d 570 (Wash. 2010): The briefs for this case are on file with the National Coalition for a Civil Right to Counsel.

Black Coalition v. Portland School Dist., 484 F.2d 1040 (9th Cir. 1973).

Boykins v. Fairfield Bd. of Ed., 492 F.2d 697 (5th Cir. 1974).

Clauson v. City of Springfield, 848 F.Supp.2d 63 (D.Mass. 2012).

Goss v. Lopez, 419 U.S. 565 (1975).

Osteen v. Henley, 13 F.3d 221 (7th Cir. 1993).