Univ. of N.C. at Charlotte Urban Inst., Charlotte-Mecklenburg Evictions, Part 3: One-month snapshot of eviction court records (2018).

Ryan Sullivan, Univ. of Neb. Coll. of Law, Examination of Eviction Filings in Lancaster County, Nebraska, 2019–2021 (May 6, 2022).

Ingrid Gould Ellen et al., Do Lawyers Matter? Early Evidence on Eviction Patterns After the Rollout of Universal Access to Counsel in New York City, Hous. Pol’y Debate (2020).

Michael T. Cassidy and Janet Currie, Nat’l Bureau of Econ. Research, The Effects of Legal Representation on Tenant Outcomes in Housing Court: Evidence from New York City’s Universal Access Program (March 2022).

Wanling Su, Why Protect Renters? Empirical Evidence from New York City (Sept. 2021) (on file with the NCCRC).

New York City OCJ Reports:

Oksana Mironova, Cmty. Serv. Soc’y, Right to Counsel and Stronger Rent Laws Helped Reduce Evictions in 2019 (Feb. 24, 2020). [New York City]

Oksana Mironova, Cmty. Serv. Soc’y, NYC Right to Counsel: First year results and potential for expansion (March 25, 2019). [New York City]

Ellen Liaw, U.C. Dep’t of Econ., Manuscript: The Impact of Right to Counsel to the Poor: Evidence from New York City Housing Courts (Aug. 6, 2021).

TakeRoot Justice and RTC NYC Coalition, Organizing is Different Now: How the Right to Counsel Strengthens the Tenant Movement in New York City (March 2022).