Civil RTC News
This page lists all of the most recent developments on civil right to counsel across the country. These could be newly created rights to counsel, significant publications, public events, advocacy efforts, or other things that don’t fit into a neat category.
Right to counsel
A Washington court has held there is a right to counsel in proceedings regarding enforcement of legal financial obligations (LFOs).
Discretionary appointment of counsel
Ohio law permits the appointment of counsel for an alleged victim of creditor discrimination.
Discretionary appointment
A court may appoint counsel for a juvenile respondent in a domestic violence protection order proceeding.
Right to counsel
A court must appoint an attorney to serve as guardian ad litem for a child in an adoption proceeding.
Right to counsel
There is an arguable due process right to counsel for the subject of a civil commitment proceeding.
Right to counsel
There is an arguable right to counsel for children in adoption cases.
Right to counsel
The court must appoint counsel for the child in certain paternity proceedings.
Discretionary appointment of counsel
A court may appoint counsel for a child in a private termination of parental rights proceeding.
Right to counsel
Virginia law requires appointment of counsel prior to sterilization of a minor (which is the only context in which sterilization is authorized).
Right to counsel
There is a right to an attorney-GAL (rather than counsel) in involuntary sterilization proceedings.
Right to counsel
There is a right to counsel for indigent subjects of a petition for sterilization.
Right to counsel
There is a right to counsel for sterilization of the ward of a guardianship (which is the only time sterilization is authorized).