Civil RTC News
This page lists all of the most recent developments on civil right to counsel across the country. These could be newly created rights to counsel, significant publications, public events, advocacy efforts, or other things that don’t fit into a neat category.
ACLU/NCCRC report flags eviction’s harms, RTC’s promise
A joint report by the ACLU and NCCRC reviews the data on the widepsread consequences of evictions and right to counsel's impact on the problem.
PA report urges statewide eviction right to counsel
A report from the Pennsylvania Budget and Policy Center urges the state to fund a right to counsel for tenants statewide.
Lakewood Ohio considering tenant right to counsel
An ordinance introduced in Lakewood Ohio aims to make the city the third in Ohio to provide a right to counsel for tenants facing eviction.
New York bill would provide statewide right to counsel for tenants
Building off of NYCs success, a new bill would guarantee counsel for low-income tenants across New York State in a variety of situations.
MA high court avoids question of right to counsel in DV cases
The Supreme Judicial Court of Massachusetts declined to answer whether indigent defendants are entitled to counsel in protection order cases.
California high court working group calls for tenant right to counsel
A report by a working group created by the Supreme Court of California Chief Justice calls for a statewide tenant right to counsel.
NCCRC recognizes the eviction right to counsel movement’s movers and shakers
In January 2022, We celebrated the eviction right to counsel movement and its leaders.
MD high court: Right to counsel for patients facing forced medication
The Maryland Court of Appeals ruled that involuntarily committed patients objecting to medication have a right to counsel.
CA joins states guaranteeing counsel in conservatorship cases
A 2021 change to the law guarantees appointment of counsel in conservatorship cases.
Arkansas adds limited right to counsel for parents in adoptions
A court must appoint counsel for a birth parent, but only for certain types of adoption and only with respect to filing or revoking consent.
Right to an attorney ad litem
Pro se minor parties in interpersonal protective order (IPO) and domestic violence order (DVO) cases have a right to an attorrney ad litem.