Civil RTC News
This page lists all of the most recent developments on civil right to counsel across the country. These could be newly created rights to counsel, significant publications, public events, advocacy efforts, or other things that don’t fit into a neat category.
Provides that a guardian ad litem must either be an attorney licensed in Illinois to practice law; or a person who holds at a minimum a bachelor's degree in psychology, psychiatry, social work, education, or any other relevant child related discipline involving determining a child's best interests.
NCCRC works with Congressional members to fix appointment of counsel problem in federal courts
A bill drafted by the NCCRC seeks to fix the problem with federal courts being unable to appoint counsel for pro se federal litigants.
All about Columbus Ohio’s new tenant right to counsel
In Dec 2024, the City of Columbus enacted a right to counsel for certain tenants facing eviction.
All about Baltimore’s tenant RTC
The City of Baltimore has enacted a bill to provide all low-income tenants facing eviction with counsel .
NY high court denies counsel in child abuse/neglect registry case
The Court found no constitutional right to counsel for a parent challenging their placement on the child abuse registry.