Civil RTC News
This page lists all of the most recent developments on civil right to counsel across the country. These could be newly created rights to counsel, significant publications, public events, advocacy efforts, or other things that don’t fit into a neat category.
Right to counsel
There is a right to counsel for children in truancy (treated as incorrigibility) and for children facing institutionalization.
Right to counsel
There is a right to counsel for children in Arkansas truancy proceedings (which are treated as "family in need of services").
Right to counsel
There is a right to counsel for children in truancy proceedings (which are treated as a status offense).
Right to counsel
Children in Colorado truancy proceedings have a right to counsel in some situations but not others.
Right to counsel
There is a right to an attorney GAL for children in truancy proceedings, and the court can appoint a separate attorney.
No such proceeding
A 2017 change to the law removed truancy proceedings from court involvement.
Right to counsel for parents
A statute requires the representation for “an indigent parent of a child with a disability”, apparently for any civil proceeding.
Right to counsel
Children have a right to counsel in adoption proceedings only where consolidated with a termination of parental rights proceeding.
Right to counsel
A court rule guarantees counsel for Indian parents in adoption proceedings.
No such proceeding
There is no requirement that a minor obtain parental input prior to having an abortion.
No such proceeding
There is no requirement that a minor obtain parental input prior to having an abortion.
No such proceeding
There is no requirement that a minor obtain parental input prior to having an abortion.