Law Review Articles / Treatises / Other Writings

  1. Maurice Emsellem & Monica Halas, Part II: Unemployment Compensation and Procedural Issues: Representation of Claimants at Unemployment Compensation Proceedings: Identifying Models and Proposed Solutions, 29 U. Mich. J.L. Reform 289 (1995).

  2. Jan Hagen, Justice for the Welfare Recipient: Another Look at Welfare Fair Hearings, Social Service Review 177 (1983), available at

  3. Stephen Loffredo & Don Friedman, Gideon Meets Goldberg: The Case for a Qualified Right to Counsel in Welfare Hearings, 25 Touro L. Rev. 273 (2009), available at

  4. Jack Newton, Paula Arboleda, Michael Connors, and Vianca Figueroa, Civil Gideon and NYC's Universal Access: Why Comprehensive Public Benefits Advocacy is Essential to Preventing Evictions and Creating Stability, 23 CUNY L. Rev. 200 (Winter 2020), available at

  5. Ernest H. Schopler, Comment note — Right to Assistance by Counsel in Administrative Proceedings, 33 A.L.R.3d 229 (1970). 

  6. Jeffrey Selbin, Jeanne Charn, Anthony Alfieri & Stephen Wizner, Service Delivery, Resource Allocation and Access to Justice: Greiner and Pattanayak and the Research Imperative, Harvard Law School Public Law & Legal Theory Working Paper Series Paper No. 12-17 (2012), available at