New Orleans joins ranks of cities with tenant right to counsel

Key_development Question_mark

05/06/2022, Legislation, Housing - Evictions

In May 2022, the New Orleans City Council unanimously approved an ordinance (which was slightly amended) that provides counsel as a matter of right to all tenants (regardless of income) facing eviction or termination of a housing subsidy, as well as for any proceedings seeking injunctive relief related to an illegal eviction and some appeals.  The Council had previously allocated $2 million in initial funding.  According to a 2022 press release from the Louisiana Fair Housing Action Center, New Orleans at the time was already seeing a rate of evictions that exceeded pre-pandemic levels.  


NOLA dot com covered the passage.  Also, check out a CityHealth video about the impact of NOLA's RTC program.

Appointment of Counsel: categorical Qualified: yes



The NCCRC supported the effort through testimony and behind-the-scenes work.