
Categorical Right To Counsel
Discretionary Appointment Of Counsel
Right Or Appointment Is Qualified
No Such Proceeding
No Authorization, But Relevant Materials
Doesn't Affect

Abuse/Neglect/Dependency - Accused Parents


December 17, 2024
Requiring states to take steps to ensure that children, parents, guardians, or anyone with custody of the child has "information about and access to independent legal representation ... as appropriate." This applies in any case involving a child where there are abuse or neglect allegations, including dependency, adoption, guardianship, and termination of parental rights.
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Appointment of Counsel:  Doesn't Affect
Qualified: No
? If "yes", the established right to counsel or discretionary appointment of counsel is limited in some way, including any of: the only authority is a lower/intermediate court decision or a city council, not a high court or state legislature; there has been a subsequent case that has cast doubt; a statute is ambiguous; or the right or discretionary appointment is not for all types of individuals or proceedings within that category.


April 9, 2021
5th Circuit: appointment of counsel portion of ICWA is constitutional
The Fifth Circuit upheld the portion of the Indian Child Welfare Act relating to appointment of counsel for parents.
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Appointment of Counsel:  Doesn't Affect
Qualified: No
? If "yes", the established right to counsel or discretionary appointment of counsel is limited in some way, including any of: the only authority is a lower/intermediate court decision or a city council, not a high court or state legislature; there has been a subsequent case that has cast doubt; a statute is ambiguous; or the right or discretionary appointment is not for all types of individuals or proceedings within that category.
February 10, 2020
ICWA, right to counsel apply to private guardianships, says Nebraska high court
The Supreme Court of Nebraska held= the Indian Child Welfare Act and its right to counsel provisions appliy to private guardianship disputes.
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Appointment of Counsel:  Yes
Qualified: Yes
? If "yes", the established right to counsel or discretionary appointment of counsel is limited in some way, including any of: the only authority is a lower/intermediate court decision or a city council, not a high court or state legislature; there has been a subsequent case that has cast doubt; a statute is ambiguous; or the right or discretionary appointment is not for all types of individuals or proceedings within that category.


January 17, 2017
Federal agency: all parents/children should be represented in child welfare cases
DHHS' Administration for Children and Families has issued a memo calling for counsel for all parents/children in child welfare cases.
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Appointment of Counsel:  Doesn't Affect
Qualified: No
? If "yes", the established right to counsel or discretionary appointment of counsel is limited in some way, including any of: the only authority is a lower/intermediate court decision or a city council, not a high court or state legislature; there has been a subsequent case that has cast doubt; a statute is ambiguous; or the right or discretionary appointment is not for all types of individuals or proceedings within that category.
Doesn't Affect

Abuse/Neglect/Dependency - Children


December 17, 2024
Requiring states to take steps to ensure that children, parents, guardians, or anyone with custody of the child has "information about and access to independent legal representation ... as appropriate." This applies in any case involving a child where there are abuse or neglect allegations, including dependency, adoption, guardianship, and termination of parental rights.
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Appointment of Counsel:  Doesn't Affect
Qualified: No
? If "yes", the established right to counsel or discretionary appointment of counsel is limited in some way, including any of: the only authority is a lower/intermediate court decision or a city council, not a high court or state legislature; there has been a subsequent case that has cast doubt; a statute is ambiguous; or the right or discretionary appointment is not for all types of individuals or proceedings within that category.
May 24, 2019
NACC urges RTC for kids when CAPTA reauthorized
The National Association of Counsel for Children is urging Congress to require counsel for children when renewing the governing law.
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Appointment of Counsel:  Doesn't Affect
Qualified: No
? If "yes", the established right to counsel or discretionary appointment of counsel is limited in some way, including any of: the only authority is a lower/intermediate court decision or a city council, not a high court or state legislature; there has been a subsequent case that has cast doubt; a statute is ambiguous; or the right or discretionary appointment is not for all types of individuals or proceedings within that category.
Doesn't Affect

All Basic Human Needs


December 20, 2024
NCCRC works with Congressional members to fix appointment of counsel problem in federal courts
A bill drafted by the NCCRC seeks to fix the problem with federal courts being unable to appoint counsel for pro se federal litigants.
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Appointment of Counsel:  Doesn't Affect
Qualified: No
? If "yes", the established right to counsel or discretionary appointment of counsel is limited in some way, including any of: the only authority is a lower/intermediate court decision or a city council, not a high court or state legislature; there has been a subsequent case that has cast doubt; a statute is ambiguous; or the right or discretionary appointment is not for all types of individuals or proceedings within that category.
The NCCRC drafted the language for the bill.
April 19, 2023
Permissive appointment of counsel for certain disabled individuals filing discrimination complaints
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Appointment of Counsel:  Doesn't Affect
Qualified: No
? If "yes", the established right to counsel or discretionary appointment of counsel is limited in some way, including any of: the only authority is a lower/intermediate court decision or a city council, not a high court or state legislature; there has been a subsequent case that has cast doubt; a statute is ambiguous; or the right or discretionary appointment is not for all types of individuals or proceedings within that category.
April 19, 2023
Permissive appointment of counsel for certain disabled individuals filing discrimination complaints
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Appointment of Counsel:  Doesn't Affect
Qualified: No
? If "yes", the established right to counsel or discretionary appointment of counsel is limited in some way, including any of: the only authority is a lower/intermediate court decision or a city council, not a high court or state legislature; there has been a subsequent case that has cast doubt; a statute is ambiguous; or the right or discretionary appointment is not for all types of individuals or proceedings within that category.
May 8, 2020
Civil right to counsel resolution introduced in Congress
U.S. House Rep. Joe Kennedy (D-MA) and 14 cosponsors introduced a resolution to provide a right to counsel in civil cases.
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Appointment of Counsel:  Doesn't Affect
Qualified: No
? If "yes", the established right to counsel or discretionary appointment of counsel is limited in some way, including any of: the only authority is a lower/intermediate court decision or a city council, not a high court or state legislature; there has been a subsequent case that has cast doubt; a statute is ambiguous; or the right or discretionary appointment is not for all types of individuals or proceedings within that category.

The NCCRC gave input on the resolution language.

February 28, 2020
Bill would amend standards for appointing civil counsel in federal court
New federal legislation would address flaws in the statute governing discretionary appointment of counsel in federal civil cases.
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Appointment of Counsel:  Doesn't Affect
Qualified: No
? If "yes", the established right to counsel or discretionary appointment of counsel is limited in some way, including any of: the only authority is a lower/intermediate court decision or a city council, not a high court or state legislature; there has been a subsequent case that has cast doubt; a statute is ambiguous; or the right or discretionary appointment is not for all types of individuals or proceedings within that category.

The NCCRC worked with the primary bill sponsor on the language of the bill.


May 11, 2024
Federal rule change opens up funding for civil legal rep
A change to Title IV-E opens up matching federal funding for civil legal representation connected to foster care proceedings.
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Appointment of Counsel:  Doesn't Affect
Qualified: No
? If "yes", the established right to counsel or discretionary appointment of counsel is limited in some way, including any of: the only authority is a lower/intermediate court decision or a city council, not a high court or state legislature; there has been a subsequent case that has cast doubt; a statute is ambiguous; or the right or discretionary appointment is not for all types of individuals or proceedings within that category.

The NCCRC provided a response to the call for public comment on the draft rule.


September 16, 2019
CAP issue brief calls for fed gov't leadership on civil legal aid
An issue brief by the Center for American Progress relies in part on right to counsel efforts to call for federal leadership on civil justice.
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Appointment of Counsel:  Doesn't Affect
Qualified: No
? If "yes", the established right to counsel or discretionary appointment of counsel is limited in some way, including any of: the only authority is a lower/intermediate court decision or a city council, not a high court or state legislature; there has been a subsequent case that has cast doubt; a statute is ambiguous; or the right or discretionary appointment is not for all types of individuals or proceedings within that category.

The NCCRC gave input to drafts of the issue brief.

May 15, 2015
Other countries to U.S.: provide counsel in civil proceedings
During a periodic review of the U.S. by the U.N. Human Rights Council, countries urged the U.S. to provide counsel in certain civil cases.
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Appointment of Counsel:  Doesn't Affect
Qualified: No
? If "yes", the established right to counsel or discretionary appointment of counsel is limited in some way, including any of: the only authority is a lower/intermediate court decision or a city council, not a high court or state legislature; there has been a subsequent case that has cast doubt; a statute is ambiguous; or the right or discretionary appointment is not for all types of individuals or proceedings within that category.
September 20, 2022
U.S. hears from advocates on access to justice and CRTC
Meetings between U.S. representatives and access to justice advocates highlighted many issues, including civil right to counsel.
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Appointment of Counsel:  Doesn't Affect
Qualified: No
? If "yes", the established right to counsel or discretionary appointment of counsel is limited in some way, including any of: the only authority is a lower/intermediate court decision or a city council, not a high court or state legislature; there has been a subsequent case that has cast doubt; a statute is ambiguous; or the right or discretionary appointment is not for all types of individuals or proceedings within that category.

NCCRC testified at the hearings about civil right to counsel.

March 27, 2014
U.N. Human Rights Committee urges U.S. to provide counsel for DV, immigration
The U.N. Human Rights Committee gave recommendations to the U.S. as to the ICCPR treaty, and urged the provision of counsel in some cases.
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Appointment of Counsel:  Doesn't Affect
Qualified: No
? If "yes", the established right to counsel or discretionary appointment of counsel is limited in some way, including any of: the only authority is a lower/intermediate court decision or a city council, not a high court or state legislature; there has been a subsequent case that has cast doubt; a statute is ambiguous; or the right or discretionary appointment is not for all types of individuals or proceedings within that category.
The NCCRC contributed to a shadow report about U.S. obligations under the ICCPR.


January 15, 2015
Fed judge laments lack of right to counsel, recuses himself for helping pro se litigant
A federal judge felt he had to recuse himself after helping a pro se litigant, and pointed to the lack of a right to counsel as the problem.
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Appointment of Counsel:  Doesn't Affect
Qualified: No
? If "yes", the established right to counsel or discretionary appointment of counsel is limited in some way, including any of: the only authority is a lower/intermediate court decision or a city council, not a high court or state legislature; there has been a subsequent case that has cast doubt; a statute is ambiguous; or the right or discretionary appointment is not for all types of individuals or proceedings within that category.
Doesn't Affect

Civil Contempt in Family Court


March 21, 2016
Fed gov't agencies warn state courts about right to counsel obligations
The Department of Justice and Office of Child Support Enforcement have reminded state courts about the right to counsel for some civil matters.
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Appointment of Counsel:  Doesn't Affect
Qualified: No
? If "yes", the established right to counsel or discretionary appointment of counsel is limited in some way, including any of: the only authority is a lower/intermediate court decision or a city council, not a high court or state legislature; there has been a subsequent case that has cast doubt; a statute is ambiguous; or the right or discretionary appointment is not for all types of individuals or proceedings within that category.
Doesn't Affect

Forfeiture (incomplete)


June 14, 2023
Makes appointment of counsel mandatory for indigent individuals whose real property is subject to forfeiture
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Appointment of Counsel:  Doesn't Affect
Qualified: No
? If "yes", the established right to counsel or discretionary appointment of counsel is limited in some way, including any of: the only authority is a lower/intermediate court decision or a city council, not a high court or state legislature; there has been a subsequent case that has cast doubt; a statute is ambiguous; or the right or discretionary appointment is not for all types of individuals or proceedings within that category.
January 27, 2025
Amending federal law that permits appointment of counsel for certain individuals in forfeiture matters to slightly broaden access to counsel.
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Appointment of Counsel:  Doesn't Affect
Qualified: No
? If "yes", the established right to counsel or discretionary appointment of counsel is limited in some way, including any of: the only authority is a lower/intermediate court decision or a city council, not a high court or state legislature; there has been a subsequent case that has cast doubt; a statute is ambiguous; or the right or discretionary appointment is not for all types of individuals or proceedings within that category.
Doesn't Affect

Guardianship/Conservatorship of Adults - Protected Person


March 30, 2023
Right to client directed counsel for adults in guardianship and conservatorship proceedings
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Appointment of Counsel:  Doesn't Affect
Qualified: No
? If "yes", the established right to counsel or discretionary appointment of counsel is limited in some way, including any of: the only authority is a lower/intermediate court decision or a city council, not a high court or state legislature; there has been a subsequent case that has cast doubt; a statute is ambiguous; or the right or discretionary appointment is not for all types of individuals or proceedings within that category.


November 28, 2018
U.S. Senate hearings on adult guardianship address right to counsel
The U.S. Senate's Special Committee on Aging held hearings on state guardianship proceedings, and the right to counsel was discussed.
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Appointment of Counsel:  Doesn't Affect
Qualified: No
? If "yes", the established right to counsel or discretionary appointment of counsel is limited in some way, including any of: the only authority is a lower/intermediate court decision or a city council, not a high court or state legislature; there has been a subsequent case that has cast doubt; a statute is ambiguous; or the right or discretionary appointment is not for all types of individuals or proceedings within that category.

NCCRC participants and partners testified at the hearings.

Doesn't Affect

Guardianship/Conservatorship of Children - Child (incomplete)


December 17, 2024
Requiring states to take steps to ensure that children, parents, guardians, or anyone with custody of the child has "information about and access to independent legal representation ... as appropriate." This applies in any case involving a child where there are abuse or neglect allegations, including dependency, adoption, guardianship, and termination of parental rights.
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Appointment of Counsel:  Doesn't Affect
Qualified: No
? If "yes", the established right to counsel or discretionary appointment of counsel is limited in some way, including any of: the only authority is a lower/intermediate court decision or a city council, not a high court or state legislature; there has been a subsequent case that has cast doubt; a statute is ambiguous; or the right or discretionary appointment is not for all types of individuals or proceedings within that category.
Doesn't Affect

Guardianship/Conservatorship of Children - Parent or Guardian


December 17, 2024
Requiring states to take steps to ensure that children, parents, guardians, or anyone with custody of the child has "information about and access to independent legal representation ... as appropriate." This applies in any case involving a child where there are abuse or neglect allegations, including dependency, adoption, guardianship, and termination of parental rights.
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Appointment of Counsel:  Doesn't Affect
Qualified: No
? If "yes", the established right to counsel or discretionary appointment of counsel is limited in some way, including any of: the only authority is a lower/intermediate court decision or a city council, not a high court or state legislature; there has been a subsequent case that has cast doubt; a statute is ambiguous; or the right or discretionary appointment is not for all types of individuals or proceedings within that category.
Doesn't Affect

Health Care Access


April 19, 2023
Permissive appointment of counsel for certain disabled individuals filing discrimination complaints
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Appointment of Counsel:  Doesn't Affect
Qualified: No
? If "yes", the established right to counsel or discretionary appointment of counsel is limited in some way, including any of: the only authority is a lower/intermediate court decision or a city council, not a high court or state legislature; there has been a subsequent case that has cast doubt; a statute is ambiguous; or the right or discretionary appointment is not for all types of individuals or proceedings within that category.
April 19, 2023
Permissive appointment of counsel for certain disabled individuals filing discrimination complaints
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Appointment of Counsel:  Doesn't Affect
Qualified: No
? If "yes", the established right to counsel or discretionary appointment of counsel is limited in some way, including any of: the only authority is a lower/intermediate court decision or a city council, not a high court or state legislature; there has been a subsequent case that has cast doubt; a statute is ambiguous; or the right or discretionary appointment is not for all types of individuals or proceedings within that category.
Doesn't Affect

Housing - Discrimination


April 19, 2023
Permissive appointment of counsel for certain disabled individuals filing discrimination complaints
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Appointment of Counsel:  Doesn't Affect
Qualified: No
? If "yes", the established right to counsel or discretionary appointment of counsel is limited in some way, including any of: the only authority is a lower/intermediate court decision or a city council, not a high court or state legislature; there has been a subsequent case that has cast doubt; a statute is ambiguous; or the right or discretionary appointment is not for all types of individuals or proceedings within that category.
April 19, 2023
Permissive appointment of counsel for certain disabled individuals filing discrimination complaints
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Appointment of Counsel:  Doesn't Affect
Qualified: No
? If "yes", the established right to counsel or discretionary appointment of counsel is limited in some way, including any of: the only authority is a lower/intermediate court decision or a city council, not a high court or state legislature; there has been a subsequent case that has cast doubt; a statute is ambiguous; or the right or discretionary appointment is not for all types of individuals or proceedings within that category.
Doesn't Affect

Housing - Evictions


December 11, 2023
Authorizing AG to make grants for state/local eviction RTC
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Appointment of Counsel:  Doesn't Affect
Qualified: No
? If "yes", the established right to counsel or discretionary appointment of counsel is limited in some way, including any of: the only authority is a lower/intermediate court decision or a city council, not a high court or state legislature; there has been a subsequent case that has cast doubt; a statute is ambiguous; or the right or discretionary appointment is not for all types of individuals or proceedings within that category.
July 9, 2024
A bill to provide grants to State and local governments that enact right to counsel legislation for low income tenants facing eviction
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Appointment of Counsel:  Doesn't Affect
Qualified: No
? If "yes", the established right to counsel or discretionary appointment of counsel is limited in some way, including any of: the only authority is a lower/intermediate court decision or a city council, not a high court or state legislature; there has been a subsequent case that has cast doubt; a statute is ambiguous; or the right or discretionary appointment is not for all types of individuals or proceedings within that category.
September 28, 2023
Establishing Office of Eviction Prevention which would administer the Eviction Protection Grant Program
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Appointment of Counsel:  Doesn't Affect
Qualified: No
? If "yes", the established right to counsel or discretionary appointment of counsel is limited in some way, including any of: the only authority is a lower/intermediate court decision or a city council, not a high court or state legislature; there has been a subsequent case that has cast doubt; a statute is ambiguous; or the right or discretionary appointment is not for all types of individuals or proceedings within that category.
December 11, 2023
Authorizing AG to make grants for state/local eviction RTC
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Appointment of Counsel:  Doesn't Affect
Qualified: No
? If "yes", the established right to counsel or discretionary appointment of counsel is limited in some way, including any of: the only authority is a lower/intermediate court decision or a city council, not a high court or state legislature; there has been a subsequent case that has cast doubt; a statute is ambiguous; or the right or discretionary appointment is not for all types of individuals or proceedings within that category.
December 24, 2020
Federal stimulus/budget bill has money for tenant representation
The relief/omnibus bill passed by Congress in December 2020 has several pots of money for tenant representation.
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Appointment of Counsel:  Doesn't Affect
Qualified: No
? If "yes", the established right to counsel or discretionary appointment of counsel is limited in some way, including any of: the only authority is a lower/intermediate court decision or a city council, not a high court or state legislature; there has been a subsequent case that has cast doubt; a statute is ambiguous; or the right or discretionary appointment is not for all types of individuals or proceedings within that category.

The NCCRC worked with some of the members of Congress who achieved the inclusion of $20 million for tenant representation.  

July 18, 2020
Sen. Harris files federal right to counsel bill
Sen. Kamala Harris filed a comprehensive housing reform bill that would, among other things, provide a right to counsel for tenants.
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Appointment of Counsel:  Doesn't Affect
Qualified: No
? If "yes", the established right to counsel or discretionary appointment of counsel is limited in some way, including any of: the only authority is a lower/intermediate court decision or a city council, not a high court or state legislature; there has been a subsequent case that has cast doubt; a statute is ambiguous; or the right or discretionary appointment is not for all types of individuals or proceedings within that category.
August 4, 2020
Federal bills would fund state/local attorneys for tenants
Bills introduced in the House and Senate would provide federal funding for cities and state to provide counsel for tenants facing eviction.
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Appointment of Counsel:  Doesn't Affect
Qualified: No
? If "yes", the established right to counsel or discretionary appointment of counsel is limited in some way, including any of: the only authority is a lower/intermediate court decision or a city council, not a high court or state legislature; there has been a subsequent case that has cast doubt; a statute is ambiguous; or the right or discretionary appointment is not for all types of individuals or proceedings within that category.

The NCCRC gave input on the substance of the bills.

February 13, 2020
More federal bills would fund cities/states pursuing right to counsel
Bills filed in the U.S. House and Senate would fund cities/states expanding eviction defense and prioritize those with a right to counsel.
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Appointment of Counsel:  Doesn't Affect
Qualified: No
? If "yes", the established right to counsel or discretionary appointment of counsel is limited in some way, including any of: the only authority is a lower/intermediate court decision or a city council, not a high court or state legislature; there has been a subsequent case that has cast doubt; a statute is ambiguous; or the right or discretionary appointment is not for all types of individuals or proceedings within that category.

The NCCRC gave input on the text of the bill.

December 4, 2019
U.S. Rep DeLauro introduces housing representation bill
A bill by U.S. Rep. Rosa DeLauro (D-CT) would expand housing representation and encourage state/local governments to provide a right to counsel.
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Appointment of Counsel:  Doesn't Affect
Qualified: No
? If "yes", the established right to counsel or discretionary appointment of counsel is limited in some way, including any of: the only authority is a lower/intermediate court decision or a city council, not a high court or state legislature; there has been a subsequent case that has cast doubt; a statute is ambiguous; or the right or discretionary appointment is not for all types of individuals or proceedings within that category.

The NCCRC worked with DeLauro's office on the text of the bill.

September 25, 2019
Ocasio-Cortez introduces housing right to counsel bill
A bill by U.S. House Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez would fund states establishing or pursuing a right to counsel in eviction cases.
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Appointment of Counsel:  Doesn't Affect
Qualified: No
? If "yes", the established right to counsel or discretionary appointment of counsel is limited in some way, including any of: the only authority is a lower/intermediate court decision or a city council, not a high court or state legislature; there has been a subsequent case that has cast doubt; a statute is ambiguous; or the right or discretionary appointment is not for all types of individuals or proceedings within that category.
March 11, 2025
Creating federal fund to remove barriers to building affordable housing, with one allowable use being providing access to counsel to tenants facing eviction.
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Appointment of Counsel:  Doesn't Affect
Qualified: No
? If "yes", the established right to counsel or discretionary appointment of counsel is limited in some way, including any of: the only authority is a lower/intermediate court decision or a city council, not a high court or state legislature; there has been a subsequent case that has cast doubt; a statute is ambiguous; or the right or discretionary appointment is not for all types of individuals or proceedings within that category.


January 27, 2023
White House version of Tenant Bill of Rights includes right to counsel
The recently-released White House Blueprint for a Renters Bill of Rights urges states to give tenants a right to counsel.
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Appointment of Counsel:  Doesn't Affect
Qualified: No
? If "yes", the established right to counsel or discretionary appointment of counsel is limited in some way, including any of: the only authority is a lower/intermediate court decision or a city council, not a high court or state legislature; there has been a subsequent case that has cast doubt; a statute is ambiguous; or the right or discretionary appointment is not for all types of individuals or proceedings within that category.


August 27, 2021
Treasury, HUD, AG urge right to counsel for tenants
A combined press release from the Treasury Department, HUD and AG"s Office urged states to use federal funding for right to counsel for tenants.
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Appointment of Counsel:  Doesn't Affect
Qualified: No
? If "yes", the established right to counsel or discretionary appointment of counsel is limited in some way, including any of: the only authority is a lower/intermediate court decision or a city council, not a high court or state legislature; there has been a subsequent case that has cast doubt; a statute is ambiguous; or the right or discretionary appointment is not for all types of individuals or proceedings within that category.
Doesn't Affect



December 17, 2024
Appears to be an attempt to reduce access to counsel for unaccompanied children in immigration matters
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Appointment of Counsel:  Doesn't Affect
Qualified: No
? If "yes", the established right to counsel or discretionary appointment of counsel is limited in some way, including any of: the only authority is a lower/intermediate court decision or a city council, not a high court or state legislature; there has been a subsequent case that has cast doubt; a statute is ambiguous; or the right or discretionary appointment is not for all types of individuals or proceedings within that category.
October 30, 2024
Appears to be an attempt to reduce access to counsel for unaccompanied children in immigration matters
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Appointment of Counsel:  Doesn't Affect
Qualified: No
? If "yes", the established right to counsel or discretionary appointment of counsel is limited in some way, including any of: the only authority is a lower/intermediate court decision or a city council, not a high court or state legislature; there has been a subsequent case that has cast doubt; a statute is ambiguous; or the right or discretionary appointment is not for all types of individuals or proceedings within that category.
October 25, 2023
RTC for unaccompanied children in removal proceedings, related matters, and appeals
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Appointment of Counsel:  Doesn't Affect
Qualified: No
? If "yes", the established right to counsel or discretionary appointment of counsel is limited in some way, including any of: the only authority is a lower/intermediate court decision or a city council, not a high court or state legislature; there has been a subsequent case that has cast doubt; a statute is ambiguous; or the right or discretionary appointment is not for all types of individuals or proceedings within that category.
May 23, 2024
In any removal proceeding before an immigration judge and in any appeal proceeding, gov't authorized to provide counsel at its expense to unaccompanied alien children and "certain incompetent aliens."
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Appointment of Counsel:  Doesn't Affect
Qualified: No
? If "yes", the established right to counsel or discretionary appointment of counsel is limited in some way, including any of: the only authority is a lower/intermediate court decision or a city council, not a high court or state legislature; there has been a subsequent case that has cast doubt; a statute is ambiguous; or the right or discretionary appointment is not for all types of individuals or proceedings within that category.
May 22, 2024
Provides a right to counsel to unaccompanied noncitizen children in certain matters as well as to the child's prospective sponsor
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Appointment of Counsel:  Doesn't Affect
Qualified: No
? If "yes", the established right to counsel or discretionary appointment of counsel is limited in some way, including any of: the only authority is a lower/intermediate court decision or a city council, not a high court or state legislature; there has been a subsequent case that has cast doubt; a statute is ambiguous; or the right or discretionary appointment is not for all types of individuals or proceedings within that category.
September 29, 2023
Appears to be an attempt to reduce access to counsel for unaccompanied children in immigration matters
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Appointment of Counsel:  Doesn't Affect
Qualified: No
? If "yes", the established right to counsel or discretionary appointment of counsel is limited in some way, including any of: the only authority is a lower/intermediate court decision or a city council, not a high court or state legislature; there has been a subsequent case that has cast doubt; a statute is ambiguous; or the right or discretionary appointment is not for all types of individuals or proceedings within that category.
May 22, 2024
Provides a right to counsel to unaccompanied noncitizen children in certain matters as well as to the child's prospective sponsor
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Appointment of Counsel:  Doesn't Affect
Qualified: No
? If "yes", the established right to counsel or discretionary appointment of counsel is limited in some way, including any of: the only authority is a lower/intermediate court decision or a city council, not a high court or state legislature; there has been a subsequent case that has cast doubt; a statute is ambiguous; or the right or discretionary appointment is not for all types of individuals or proceedings within that category.
July 10, 2024
Authorizes the AG to make grants to support legal services for undocumented individuals in removal proceedings
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Appointment of Counsel:  Doesn't Affect
Qualified: No
? If "yes", the established right to counsel or discretionary appointment of counsel is limited in some way, including any of: the only authority is a lower/intermediate court decision or a city council, not a high court or state legislature; there has been a subsequent case that has cast doubt; a statute is ambiguous; or the right or discretionary appointment is not for all types of individuals or proceedings within that category.
March 7, 2023
Appears to be an attempt to reduce access to counsel for unaccompanied children in immigration matters
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Appointment of Counsel:  Doesn't Affect
Qualified: No
? If "yes", the established right to counsel or discretionary appointment of counsel is limited in some way, including any of: the only authority is a lower/intermediate court decision or a city council, not a high court or state legislature; there has been a subsequent case that has cast doubt; a statute is ambiguous; or the right or discretionary appointment is not for all types of individuals or proceedings within that category.
April 18, 2023
RTC for indigent individuals facing removal
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Appointment of Counsel:  Doesn't Affect
Qualified: No
? If "yes", the established right to counsel or discretionary appointment of counsel is limited in some way, including any of: the only authority is a lower/intermediate court decision or a city council, not a high court or state legislature; there has been a subsequent case that has cast doubt; a statute is ambiguous; or the right or discretionary appointment is not for all types of individuals or proceedings within that category.
January 11, 2024
Appears to be an attempt to reduce access to counsel for unaccompanied children in immigration matters
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Appointment of Counsel:  Doesn't Affect
Qualified: No
? If "yes", the established right to counsel or discretionary appointment of counsel is limited in some way, including any of: the only authority is a lower/intermediate court decision or a city council, not a high court or state legislature; there has been a subsequent case that has cast doubt; a statute is ambiguous; or the right or discretionary appointment is not for all types of individuals or proceedings within that category.
October 17, 2023
RTC for unaccompanied children in removal proceedings, related matters, and appeals
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Appointment of Counsel:  Doesn't Affect
Qualified: No
? If "yes", the established right to counsel or discretionary appointment of counsel is limited in some way, including any of: the only authority is a lower/intermediate court decision or a city council, not a high court or state legislature; there has been a subsequent case that has cast doubt; a statute is ambiguous; or the right or discretionary appointment is not for all types of individuals or proceedings within that category.
December 17, 2024
Appears to be an attempt to reduce access to counsel for unaccompanied children in immigration matters
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Appointment of Counsel:  Doesn't Affect
Qualified: No
? If "yes", the established right to counsel or discretionary appointment of counsel is limited in some way, including any of: the only authority is a lower/intermediate court decision or a city council, not a high court or state legislature; there has been a subsequent case that has cast doubt; a statute is ambiguous; or the right or discretionary appointment is not for all types of individuals or proceedings within that category.
June 15, 2023
Providing RTC upon request for judicial review of provisional denials in immigration matters
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Appointment of Counsel:  Doesn't Affect
Qualified: No
? If "yes", the established right to counsel or discretionary appointment of counsel is limited in some way, including any of: the only authority is a lower/intermediate court decision or a city council, not a high court or state legislature; there has been a subsequent case that has cast doubt; a statute is ambiguous; or the right or discretionary appointment is not for all types of individuals or proceedings within that category.
March 30, 2023
Appears to be an attempt to reduce access to counsel for unaccompanied children in immigration matters
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Appointment of Counsel:  Doesn't Affect
Qualified: No
? If "yes", the established right to counsel or discretionary appointment of counsel is limited in some way, including any of: the only authority is a lower/intermediate court decision or a city council, not a high court or state legislature; there has been a subsequent case that has cast doubt; a statute is ambiguous; or the right or discretionary appointment is not for all types of individuals or proceedings within that category.
December 17, 2024
Appears to be an attempt to reduce access to counsel for unaccompanied children in immigration matters
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Appointment of Counsel:  Doesn't Affect
Qualified: No
? If "yes", the established right to counsel or discretionary appointment of counsel is limited in some way, including any of: the only authority is a lower/intermediate court decision or a city council, not a high court or state legislature; there has been a subsequent case that has cast doubt; a statute is ambiguous; or the right or discretionary appointment is not for all types of individuals or proceedings within that category.
April 18, 2023
RTC for indigent individuals facing removal
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Appointment of Counsel:  Doesn't Affect
Qualified: No
? If "yes", the established right to counsel or discretionary appointment of counsel is limited in some way, including any of: the only authority is a lower/intermediate court decision or a city council, not a high court or state legislature; there has been a subsequent case that has cast doubt; a statute is ambiguous; or the right or discretionary appointment is not for all types of individuals or proceedings within that category.
July 11, 2023
Appears to be an attempt to reduce access to counsel for unaccompanied children in immigration matters
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Appointment of Counsel:  Doesn't Affect
Qualified: No
? If "yes", the established right to counsel or discretionary appointment of counsel is limited in some way, including any of: the only authority is a lower/intermediate court decision or a city council, not a high court or state legislature; there has been a subsequent case that has cast doubt; a statute is ambiguous; or the right or discretionary appointment is not for all types of individuals or proceedings within that category.
July 25, 2018
Fed legislation would require immigration counsel for children, vulnerable adults
A federal bill would require counsel for unaccompanied minors and vulnerable adults in immigration proceedings.
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Appointment of Counsel:  Doesn't Affect
Qualified: No
? If "yes", the established right to counsel or discretionary appointment of counsel is limited in some way, including any of: the only authority is a lower/intermediate court decision or a city council, not a high court or state legislature; there has been a subsequent case that has cast doubt; a statute is ambiguous; or the right or discretionary appointment is not for all types of individuals or proceedings within that category.

The NCCRC has provided support to some who have testified on some of these bills.

January 23, 2025
Appears to be an attempt to reduce access to counsel for unaccompanied children in immigration matters
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Appointment of Counsel:  Doesn't Affect
Qualified: No
? If "yes", the established right to counsel or discretionary appointment of counsel is limited in some way, including any of: the only authority is a lower/intermediate court decision or a city council, not a high court or state legislature; there has been a subsequent case that has cast doubt; a statute is ambiguous; or the right or discretionary appointment is not for all types of individuals or proceedings within that category.
January 23, 2025
Appears to be an attempt to reduce access to counsel for unaccompanied children in immigration matters
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Appointment of Counsel:  Doesn't Affect
Qualified: No
? If "yes", the established right to counsel or discretionary appointment of counsel is limited in some way, including any of: the only authority is a lower/intermediate court decision or a city council, not a high court or state legislature; there has been a subsequent case that has cast doubt; a statute is ambiguous; or the right or discretionary appointment is not for all types of individuals or proceedings within that category.
February 27, 2025
Would provide right to counsel for minors appealing denial of adjustment of immigration status who meet certain conditions.
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Appointment of Counsel:  Doesn't Affect
Qualified: No
? If "yes", the established right to counsel or discretionary appointment of counsel is limited in some way, including any of: the only authority is a lower/intermediate court decision or a city council, not a high court or state legislature; there has been a subsequent case that has cast doubt; a statute is ambiguous; or the right or discretionary appointment is not for all types of individuals or proceedings within that category.


February 19, 2021
Policy brief makes case for universal representation in immigration
A policy brief by the Vera Institute shares compelling statistics justifying the creation of a universal representation program for immigrants.
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Appointment of Counsel:  Doesn't Affect
Qualified: No
? If "yes", the established right to counsel or discretionary appointment of counsel is limited in some way, including any of: the only authority is a lower/intermediate court decision or a city council, not a high court or state legislature; there has been a subsequent case that has cast doubt; a statute is ambiguous; or the right or discretionary appointment is not for all types of individuals or proceedings within that category.
June 20, 2018
Report makes case for universal representation for immigrants
A report from New Jersey Policy Perspective shows that immigrants fare better and the state saves money when counsel is provided.
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Appointment of Counsel:  Doesn't Affect
Qualified: No
? If "yes", the established right to counsel or discretionary appointment of counsel is limited in some way, including any of: the only authority is a lower/intermediate court decision or a city council, not a high court or state legislature; there has been a subsequent case that has cast doubt; a statute is ambiguous; or the right or discretionary appointment is not for all types of individuals or proceedings within that category.
May 24, 2016
UN body calls for right to counsel in U.S. immigration cases
The U.N. Committee to End Racial Discrimination (CERD) has called on the U.S. to guarantee counsel in immigration cases.
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Appointment of Counsel:  Doesn't Affect
Qualified: No
? If "yes", the established right to counsel or discretionary appointment of counsel is limited in some way, including any of: the only authority is a lower/intermediate court decision or a city council, not a high court or state legislature; there has been a subsequent case that has cast doubt; a statute is ambiguous; or the right or discretionary appointment is not for all types of individuals or proceedings within that category.
The NCCRC has collaborated on advocacy reports to CERD urging such a right to counsel.
December 1, 2015
Study: detained immigrants 5.5x more likely to prevail with lawyer
A comprehensive study concluded that detained immigrants are 5.5 times more likely to avoid removal if they have a lawyer.
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Appointment of Counsel:  Doesn't Affect
Qualified: No
? If "yes", the established right to counsel or discretionary appointment of counsel is limited in some way, including any of: the only authority is a lower/intermediate court decision or a city council, not a high court or state legislature; there has been a subsequent case that has cast doubt; a statute is ambiguous; or the right or discretionary appointment is not for all types of individuals or proceedings within that category.


May 2, 2019
Ninth Circuit twice dodges question of right to counsel for kids in immigration cases
Two federal cases sought a right to counsel for all immigrant children in deportation proceedings, but the Ninth Circuit avoided both cases.
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Appointment of Counsel:  Doesn't Affect
Qualified: No
? If "yes", the established right to counsel or discretionary appointment of counsel is limited in some way, including any of: the only authority is a lower/intermediate court decision or a city council, not a high court or state legislature; there has been a subsequent case that has cast doubt; a statute is ambiguous; or the right or discretionary appointment is not for all types of individuals or proceedings within that category.

The NCCRC contributed to an amicus brief in the CJLG case filed by law professors.

April 23, 2013
Detainees with mental disabilities have right to assistance, says federal court; deportees may return
A federal district court held that detainees with mental disabilities have the right to assistance in their immigration removal cases.
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Appointment of Counsel:  Yes
Qualified: Yes
? If "yes", the established right to counsel or discretionary appointment of counsel is limited in some way, including any of: the only authority is a lower/intermediate court decision or a city council, not a high court or state legislature; there has been a subsequent case that has cast doubt; a statute is ambiguous; or the right or discretionary appointment is not for all types of individuals or proceedings within that category.

NCCRC provided some research assistance to counsel for the plaintiffs.

Doesn't Affect

Other subject area


April 19, 2023
Permissive appointment of counsel for certain disabled individuals filing discrimination complaints
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Appointment of Counsel:  Doesn't Affect
Qualified: No
? If "yes", the established right to counsel or discretionary appointment of counsel is limited in some way, including any of: the only authority is a lower/intermediate court decision or a city council, not a high court or state legislature; there has been a subsequent case that has cast doubt; a statute is ambiguous; or the right or discretionary appointment is not for all types of individuals or proceedings within that category.
April 19, 2023
Permissive appointment of counsel for certain disabled individuals filing discrimination complaints
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Appointment of Counsel:  Doesn't Affect
Qualified: No
? If "yes", the established right to counsel or discretionary appointment of counsel is limited in some way, including any of: the only authority is a lower/intermediate court decision or a city council, not a high court or state legislature; there has been a subsequent case that has cast doubt; a statute is ambiguous; or the right or discretionary appointment is not for all types of individuals or proceedings within that category.
Doesn't Affect

Termination of Parental Rights (Private) - Birth Parents


December 17, 2024
Requiring states to take steps to ensure that children, parents, guardians, or anyone with custody of the child has "information about and access to independent legal representation ... as appropriate." This applies in any case involving a child where there are abuse or neglect allegations, including dependency, adoption, guardianship, and termination of parental rights.
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Appointment of Counsel:  Doesn't Affect
Qualified: No
? If "yes", the established right to counsel or discretionary appointment of counsel is limited in some way, including any of: the only authority is a lower/intermediate court decision or a city council, not a high court or state legislature; there has been a subsequent case that has cast doubt; a statute is ambiguous; or the right or discretionary appointment is not for all types of individuals or proceedings within that category.
Doesn't Affect

Termination of Parental Rights (Private) - Children


December 17, 2024
Requiring states to take steps to ensure that children, parents, guardians, or anyone with custody of the child has "information about and access to independent legal representation ... as appropriate." This applies in any case involving a child where there are abuse or neglect allegations, including dependency, adoption, guardianship, and termination of parental rights.
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Appointment of Counsel:  Doesn't Affect
Qualified: No
? If "yes", the established right to counsel or discretionary appointment of counsel is limited in some way, including any of: the only authority is a lower/intermediate court decision or a city council, not a high court or state legislature; there has been a subsequent case that has cast doubt; a statute is ambiguous; or the right or discretionary appointment is not for all types of individuals or proceedings within that category.
Doesn't Affect

Termination of Parental Rights (State) - Birth Parents


December 17, 2024
Requiring states to take steps to ensure that children, parents, guardians, or anyone with custody of the child has "information about and access to independent legal representation ... as appropriate." This applies in any case involving a child where there are abuse or neglect allegations, including dependency, adoption, guardianship, and termination of parental rights.
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Appointment of Counsel:  Doesn't Affect
Qualified: No
? If "yes", the established right to counsel or discretionary appointment of counsel is limited in some way, including any of: the only authority is a lower/intermediate court decision or a city council, not a high court or state legislature; there has been a subsequent case that has cast doubt; a statute is ambiguous; or the right or discretionary appointment is not for all types of individuals or proceedings within that category.
Doesn't Affect

Termination of Parental Rights (State) - Children


December 17, 2024
Requiring states to take steps to ensure that children, parents, guardians, or anyone with custody of the child has "information about and access to independent legal representation ... as appropriate." This applies in any case involving a child where there are abuse or neglect allegations, including dependency, adoption, guardianship, and termination of parental rights.
Read More
Appointment of Counsel:  Doesn't Affect
Qualified: No
? If "yes", the established right to counsel or discretionary appointment of counsel is limited in some way, including any of: the only authority is a lower/intermediate court decision or a city council, not a high court or state legislature; there has been a subsequent case that has cast doubt; a statute is ambiguous; or the right or discretionary appointment is not for all types of individuals or proceedings within that category.

Abuse/Neglect/Dependency - Accused Parents


Abuse/Neglect/Dependency - Children


All Basic Human Needs


Civil Commitment


Employment Discrimination


Forfeiture (incomplete)


Housing - Discrimination




Termination of Parental Rights (State) - Birth Parents