Civil RTC News
This page lists all of the most recent developments on civil right to counsel across the country. These could be newly created rights to counsel, significant publications, public events, advocacy efforts, or other things that don’t fit into a neat category.
Massachusetts considers tenant right to counsel
Bills have been filed to create a statewide right to counsel in eviction cases, and a statewide coalition has been launched to support them.
All about Toledo’s right to counsel for tenants facing eviction
The City of Toledo has enacted legislation to guarantee counsel to low-income tenants facing eviction.
Legislature introduces another forfeiture reform bill
Kansas has introduced bills in successive years that would have abolished pre-conviction forfeiture and provided a right to counsel.
Eviction right to counsel bill dies in Committee
The Oklahoma bill would have provided eligible tenants with counsel in evictions, with program rollout prioritizing highly impacted counties.
All about Louisville’s eviction right to counsel
Louisville is first the Southern city to enact an eviction right to counsel.
All about the children’s right to counsel in PA TPR cases
Children have a right to client-directed counsel in termination of parental rights cases, although the child's GAL can sometimes play this role.
Arbitrator may appoint attorney for child
Arbitrator of family law matter may appoint an attorney, GAL, or other representative for a child.