
This page provides a breakdown of all major developments and right to counsel law that the NCCRC knows for this state, sorted by subject area. Click on either tab below to see the aspect it describes.

Color Key Explanation
Categorical Right To Counsel There is a right to counsel without qualification for all indigent individuals in this type of case (except that the individual may be required to request counsel).
Discretionary Appointment Of Counsel Courts are permitted but not required to appoint counsel for any indigent individual in this type of case. A request may be required.
Right Or Appointment Is Qualified The established right to counsel or discretionary appointment of counsel is limited in some way, including: the only authority comes from a lower/intermediate court decision or a city government, not a high court or state legislature; a case has cast doubt on prior authority; a statute is ambiguous; or the right or discretionary appointment is not for all individuals or proceedings within that type of case.
No Such Proceeding This state has no law creating a judicial proceeding of this type.
No Authorization, But Relevant Materials While this state does not provide for or require appointment of counsel with respect to the given subject area, it does have something (such as a report or bar policy) that supports the right to or appointment of counsel for this subject area.
Other Because the "Other subject areas” category can include developments from different subject areas that do not work the same way as each other, a blanket categorization of this category is not possible.

Abuse/Neglect/Dependency - Accused Parents


Key_development Question_mark

Right to counsel

In Child in Need of Assistance proceedings, indigent parents have a right to counsel.

Appointment of Counsel: categorical Qualified: no

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Abuse/Neglect/Dependency - Children


Key_development Question_mark

Right to counsel

Children in CINA proceedings are entitled to appointed counsel.

Appointment of Counsel: categorical Qualified: no

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Adult Protective Proceedings - Protected Person (incomplete)


No such proceeding

Protective services may only be provided if the adult consents, unless the department takes action through the Estates and Trust Code.

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All Basic Human Needs


Key_development Question_mark

Discretionary appointment of counsel - children generally

A court has discretion to appoint counsel for a child in any juvenile proceeding.

Appointment of Counsel: categorical Qualified: yes

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Court Rule or Initiative

Key_development Question_mark

Right to counsel - disabled litigants

Court rules require appointment of an attorney for an individual under disability who is sued and does not have a guardian.

Appointment of Counsel: categorical Qualified: yes

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ATJC effort

Maryland Access to Justice Commission Releases RTC Implementation Report


The ATJC's report described how new rights to counsel might be implemented in MD, and put a price tag on such an implementation.

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Two MD legislative commissions urge phased-in RTC in DV, and custody pilot


One Maryland legislative task force and one commission urge the state to adopt a phased-in right to counsel in DV cases and a custody pilot.


Nccrc_involvement_icon NCCRC staffers John Pollock and Debra Gardner testified before the Task Force.

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Maryland AG creates access to justice task force, flags right to counsel


Maryland Attorney General Brian Frosh announced the creation of an access to justice task force and that right to counsel would be considered.

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Bypass of Parental Input into Abortion - Minor (Pre-Dobbs)


No such proceeding

Maryland has no parental input requirement: a minor can get an abortion if the doctor determines the minor is mature and capable of consenting.

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Civil Contempt in Family Court


MD court: threat of incarceration makes right to counsel attach


A Maryland appellate court held that statutory law entitles civil contempt defendants to counsel when they are threatened with incarceration.

Appointment of Counsel: categorical Qualified: yes

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Key_development Question_mark

MD high court reaffirms right to counsel in civil contempt cases


The Court of Appeals of Maryland has indirectly reaffirmed that people facing incarceration for civil contempt still have a right to counsel.

Appointment of Counsel: categorical Qualified: no

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Court Rule or Initiative

Key_development Question_mark

Right to counsel

There is a right to counsel for indigent defendants in civil contempt proceedings.

Appointment of Counsel: categorical Qualified: no

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Civil Commitment


Key_development Question_mark

Right to counsel

There is a statutory right to counsel in all civil commitment proceedings.

Appointment of Counsel: categorical Qualified: no

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Custody Disputes - Parents


MD high court avoids question of right to counsel in custody cases


The Maryland Court of appeals narrowly avoided addressing whether parents have a right to counsel in custody cases.


Nccrc_involvement_icon The Public Justice Center, which staffs the NCCRC, filed this case.

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Custody Disputes - Children


Key_development Question_mark

Discretionary appointment of counsel

The court may appoint counsel for children in certain custody proceedings.

Appointment of Counsel: discretionary Qualified: no

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Guardianship/Conservatorship of Adults - Protected Person


Key_development Question_mark

Right to counsel

The court must appoint counsel in various types of guardianship and conservatorship proceedings.

Appointment of Counsel: categorical Qualified: no

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Housing - Discrimination


Key_development Question_mark

Discretionary appointment of counsel

A court may appoint counsel for either side in a housing discrimination case.

Appointment of Counsel: discretionary Qualified: no

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Housing - Evictions


Key_development Question_mark

All about the eviction RTC in Maryland


In May, Maryland became the second state to provide a statewide right to counsel for indigent tenants facing evictoin.

Appointment of Counsel: categorical Qualified: no



The NCCRC helped shape the bill language and is part of the statewide coalition of advocates.  

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Baltimore becomes 7th city with tenant right to counsel


The City of Baltimore has enacted a bill to provide all low-income tenants facing eviction with counsel .

Appointment of Counsel: categorical Qualified: yes



The NCCRC helped with the bill development process.

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Maryland AG Task Force recommends RTC for evictions


The Maryand Attorney General's Access to Justice Task Force released a report recommending a right to counsel for tenants facing eviction.

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Report: Baltimore/MD would save $36 million w/tenant right to counsel


A report by a financial analysis company concludes Baltimore and Maryland would save a combined $36 million with a right to counsel for tenants.



The Public Justice Center, which commissioned the report, is the host organization for the NCCRC, and NCCRC staff contributed to the report.

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Incarceration for Fees/Fines (incomplete)


Key_development Question_mark

Right to counsel

There is a statutory to counsel for indigent defendants in civil contempt proceedings.

Appointment of Counsel: categorical Qualified: yes

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Involuntary Medical Treatment (incomplete)


Key_development Question_mark

MD high court: right to counsel for patients facing forced medication


The Maryland Court of Appeals ruled that involuntarily committed patients objecting to medication have a right to counsel.

Appointment of Counsel: categorical Qualified: no



The NCCRC consulted with merits counsel prior to the petition for review being granted.

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Paternity - Petitioner or Child


Key_development Question_mark

Right to counsel

The Maryland Court of Appeals suggested a court may appoint counsel for a child in a paternity action in certain circumstances.

Appointment of Counsel: discretionary Qualified: yes

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Key_development Question_mark

Right to counsel - quarantine

There is a right to counsel for people directed to isolate or quarantine by the Secretary of Health in a catastrophic health emergency.

Appointment of Counsel: categorical Qualified: yes

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Sexually Dangerous Persons - Commitment


No such proceeding

There is no procedure in the state for confinement of a sexually dangerous/violent person.

Termination of Parental Rights (Private) - Children


Key_development Question_mark

Right to counsel

Certain children have a right to counsel in certain types of adoption proceedings; otherwise, appointment is discretionary.

Appointment of Counsel: categorical Qualified: yes

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Termination of Parental Rights (State) - Children


Key_development Question_mark

Right to counsel

Children have a right to counsel in termination of parental rights proceedings brought by the state.

Appointment of Counsel: categorical Qualified: no

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Termination of Parental Rights (Private) - Birth Parents


Key_development Question_mark

Right to counsel

In adoption proceedings, there is a right to counsel for certain proceedings and a more limited right to counsel in others.

Appointment of Counsel: categorical Qualified: yes

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Termination of Parental Rights (State) - Birth Parents


Key_development Question_mark

Right to counsel

Indigent parents have a right to counsel in a non-consensual action brought by the state to terminate parental rights.

Appointment of Counsel: categorical Qualified: no

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Truancy - Petition Against Child


Key_development Question_mark

Right to counsel

Children have a right to counsel in truancy proceedings (which are treated as "child in need of supervision" matters).

Appointment of Counsel: categorical Qualified: no

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Other Subject Areas


Right to counsel


A minor who files a petition to marry is entitled to counsel.

Appointment of Counsel: categorical Qualified: no

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Legislation: body attachments


A proposed bill would guarantee counsel when a body attachment to detain a tenant for failing to pay a money judgment to a landlord.



NCCRC helped provide the language of the bill.

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Mandatory/discretionary appointment of counsel - emergency period

A court must appoint counsel in certain proceedings during emergency periods, and may in others.

Appointment of Counsel: categorical Qualified: yes

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