Major developments


This page lists all of the most recent developments on civil right to counsel across the country. These could be newly created rights to counsel, significant publications, public events, advocacy efforts, or other things that don't fit into a neat category.

View by State

Alabama fed court settlement establishes RTC in ability-to-pay cases


A federal district court approved a settlement requiring counsel for indigent debtors at ability-to-pay hearings.

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MA Report discusses those turned away for legal aid, and benefits of counsel


The BBA Task Force to Expand Civil Legal Aid's report discusses how many eligible clients are turned away and the economic benefits of counsel.

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State supreme court justices talk civil right to counsel


At the LSC 40th Anniversary event, several state supreme court justices spoke favorably about the right to counsel in civil cases.

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GA high court says some civil contempt cases might require counsel


In response to a class action, the Supreme Court of Georgia said there might be a right to counsel in some child support civil contempt cases.

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Lack of right to counsel affects POC communities, says treaty body


The international body that enforces the CERD treaty urged the U.S. to address the impact of a lack of a right to counsel on people of color.

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WA Court of Appeals finds right to counsel for foster child


The WA Court of Appeals held that a trial court abused its discretion in not appointing counsel for a minor child in a dependency proceeding.

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NJ appellate court extends right to counsel to civil contempt review proceedings


A New Jersey court found a right to appointed counsel in a hearing on whether a child support obligee should remain in prison for contempt.

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Report finds right to counsel in immigration would pay for itself


A report commissioned by the NYC Bar finds that an immigration right to counsel would pay for itself.

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PA urged to take steps towards a civil right to counsel


A new report issued by the Civil Legal Justice Coalition to the PA State Senate Judiciary Committee urges PA to pursue a civil right to counsel.

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Florida Legislature establishes right to counsel for certain dependent children


A Florida law enacted in 2024 provides a right to counsel for particularly vulnerable children in dependency proceedings.

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Florida legislature establishes right to counsel for certain dependent children


A 2014 Florida law provides a right to counsel for particularly vulnerable children in termination proceedings.

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U.N. Human Rights Committee urges U.S. to provide counsel for DV, immigration


The U.N. Human Rights Committee gave recommendations to the U.S. as to the ICCPR treaty, and urged the provision of counsel in some cases.

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Indiana Supreme Court declares right to counsel for parents in abuse/neglect cases


The Indiana Supreme Court clarified that parents have a statutory right to counsel in abuse/neglect cases, and failure to appoint is error.

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New York City holds hearings on providing counsel to immigrants


The New York City Council's Committee on Immigration held public hearings on different models for providing counsel in immigration cases.

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Hawaii Supreme Court says parents have right to counsel in abuse/neglect cases


The Hawaii Supreme Court ruled that all parents have a constitutional right to counsel in abuse/neglect proceedings.

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Hawaii Supreme Court says parents have right to counsel in abuse/neglect cases


The Hawaii Supreme Court ruled that all parents have a constitutional right to counsel in abuse/neglect proceedings.

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Illinois legislation creates civil right to counsel pilots project


The “Access to Justice Act”, enacted in 2013, creates a set of statewide pilot projects for the provision of counsel in civil cases.

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Illinois legislation creates 5-year civil right to counsel pilots project


The 2013 “Access to Justice Act” creates a set of statewide pilot projects (likely to focus on housing) on providing counsel in civil cases.

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Right to counsel


There is a right to counsel for parents in private adoption proceedings.

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Despite strong dissent, NJ Supreme Court avoids ruling on RTC in DV cases


The New Jersey Supreme Court declined to review a decision by the NJ Court of Appeals regarding the right to counsel in DV cases.

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Tennessee Bar Civil Right to Counsel Event Gets AP Coverage


The AP covered a civil right to counsel event by the TN Bar and Legal Aid of West TN held on Friday, Nov. 22.

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MD high court reaffirms right to counsel in civil contempt cases


The Court of Appeals of Maryland has indirectly reaffirmed that people facing incarceration for civil contempt still have a right to counsel.

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South Carolina court extends statutory right to counsel to private TPR cases


The SC Supreme Court held that S.C. Code § 63–7–2560 does not distinguish between public and private termination cases, so it applies to both.

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Indiana court allows appointment in small claims case


Indiana Court of Appeals said a trial court's appointment of counsel in small claims case was not improper.

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NY Chief Judge calls for counsel in all foreclosure cases


NY Chief Judge Jonathan Lippman has said he wants there to be an attorney in every foreclosure case in the state.

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Detainees with mental disabilities have right to assistance, says federal court; deportees may return


A federal district court held that detainees with mental disabilities have the right to assistance in their immigration removal cases.

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Pennsylvania hearings on civil legal aid discuss right to counsel


The PA Senate Judiciary Committee held hearings in 2013 about the civil legal justice gap, and many people testified about a right to counsel.

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NY civil legal aid hearings invoke right to counsel


At hearings convened by NY Chief Judge Jonathan Lippman, advocates testified about the justice gap and civil right to counsel.

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Constitution requires counsel for children in adoptions, MA high court rules


The Supreme Judicial Court of Massachusetts found a state due process right to counsel for children in private adoption cases.

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Kansas Supreme Court recognizes right to counsel in sex offender commitment cases


The Kansas Supreme Court has said there is a right to counsel in sexually violent predator commitment proceedings.

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