Major developments


This page lists all of the most recent developments on civil right to counsel across the country. These could be newly created rights to counsel, significant publications, public events, advocacy efforts, or other things that don't fit into a neat category.

View by State

Discretionary appointment of counsel


A court may appoint counsel for accused parents and must appoint counsel where protective custody of Indian child is sought.

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Colorado enacts RTC for parents in due process appeals where the parent prevailed below


Parents of students with a disability have the right to counsel in due process appeals where they prevailed below.

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Montana guarantees child-directed counsel for children


A court must appoint counsel for a child in an abuse/neglect proceeding.

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Montana guarantees child-directed counsel for children


A court must appoint counsel for a child in a termination of parental rights proceeding and may assign counsel for appeals.

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Minnesota creates limited statewide tenant right to counsel


A bill enacted in 2023 provides a right to counsel for public housing tenants threatened with eviction for an alleged breach of lease.

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Westchester County NY is first county with tenant right to counsel


In May 2023, Westchester County NY became the first county, and 19th jurisdiction, to provide a right to counsel for tenants.

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Right to attorney ad litem for certain payees


The court must appoint an attorney GAL for payees who are minors or appear to "suffer from a mental or cognitive impairment."

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Oklahoma strengthens rights for debtors in fees and fines matters


Indigent civil contempt respondents have a right to counsel; a jail sentence may not be imposed unless criminal contempt defendant has counsel.

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Multnomah County RTC ballot initiative voted down


A proposed ballot initiative that would have establish a right to counsel for Multnomah County tenants facing eviction was voted down.

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Georgia expands right to counsel to children in deprivation cases who are receiving extended care youth services


Kids have a right to their own counsel due to a 2013 amendment. In 2023, the RTC was extended to kids receiving extended care youth services.

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Right to counsel - Extreme risk protection orders


Extreme risk protection order respondents may have the right to counsel under certain circumstances.

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Mississippi expands child right to counsel in child welfare cases


Minors in abuse/neglect proceedings have the right to an attorney and a GAL.

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Right to attorney ad litem


Minor and adult adoptees in contested adoption matters have the right to a GAL, but it is unclear whether the GAL must be an attorney.

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New Mexico provides parents with counsel prior to the signing of a voluntary placement agreement


A parent or guardian has the right to counsel before signing, and for the duration of, a voluntary placement agreement.

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New Mexico provides child with counsel for matters related to voluntary placement agreements


When a child's parent or guardian signs a voluntary placement agreement, the child is entitled to an attorney ad litem.

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South Carolina bill would provide right to counsel for tenants


A newly-introduced bill would guarantee counsel for indigent South Carolina tenants facing eviction.

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Cincinnati data flags troubling eviction stats, positive representation results


Reports from Cincinnati flag the low number of represented tenants and high eviction rates, as well as the positive impact of representation.

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Right to counsel


There is a right to an attorney in guardianship proceedings, but the attorney serves in an ad litem capacity.

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Discretionary appointment of attorney ad litem


The court may appoint an attorney ad litem for children in certain proceedings regarding parenting time, custody, or visitation.

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Right to attorney ad litem


Persons subject to guardianship have the right to an attorney ad litem where involuntary treatment with psychiatric medications is sought.

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Discretionary appoitnment of attorney ad litem


Minors may be appointed an attorney ad litem in matters related to conservatorships or other protective orders.

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All about Milwaukee's universal tenant representation program


Milwaukee County has passed a resolution in support of right to counsel and appropriated sufficient funding to make that happen.

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Guardianship right to counsel featured in Bloomberg


A recent article from Bloomberg Law looks at flaws in state right to counsel laws, as well as the success of representation when provided.

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OH Court of Appeals strengthens parents’ right to counsel in termination of parental rights matters


An Ohio appellate court held that trial courts cannot permit parents' attorneys to withdraw in TPR matters without a thorough waiver analysis.

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Discretionary appointment of counsel for child witnesses


The court may appoint an attorney as a GAL for minors called as witnesses.

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Right to guardian ad litem


An adult subject of protective services proceeding has the right to a GAL, but it is unclear whether GAL must be an attorney.

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Right to Counsel


Indigent parents and Indian custodians have the right to counsel in termination proceedings concerning Indian children.

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Wyoming enacts the Wyoming Indian Child Welfare Act


Indian children may be appointed counsel in termination proceedings.

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Illinois introduces eviction right to counsel bills


In 2023, the Illinois legislature introduced a few different bills that would provide for the appointment of counsel in eviction matters.

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Massachusetts considers tenant right to counsel


Bills have been filed to create a statewide right to counsel in eviction cases, and a statewide coalition has been launched to support them.

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