Major developments


This page lists all of the most recent developments on civil right to counsel across the country. These could be newly created rights to counsel, significant publications, public events, advocacy efforts, or other things that don't fit into a neat category.

View by State

All about Toledo's right to counsel for tenants facing eviction


The City of Toledo has enacted legislation to guarantee counsel to low-income tenants facing eviction.

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Kansas legislature introduces a bill to reform forfeiture


A 2023 bill would abolish pre-conviction forfeiture and provide the right to counsel to indigent defendants in criminal forfeiture matters.

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All about Louisville's eviction right to counsel


Louisville is first the Southern city to enact an eviction right to counsel.

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White House version of Tenant Bill of Rights includes right to counsel


The recently-released White House Blueprint for a Renters Bill of Rights urges states to give tenants a right to counsel.

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All about the children's right to counsel in PA TPR cases


Children have a right to client-directed counsel in termination of parental rights cases, although the child's GAL can sometimes play this role.

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New disability policy framework includes right to counsel


New guidelines from the Disability Economic Justice Collaborative call for the inclusion of right to counsel as a reasonable accommodation.

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Arbitrator may appoint attorney for child


Arbitrator of family law matter may appoint an attorney, GAL, or other representative for a child.

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Arbitrator may appoint attorney for child


Arbitrator of family law matter may appoint an attorney, GAL, or other representative for a child.

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CityHealth ranks cities on tenant right to counsel policies


CityHealth, which ranks cities on their policies, is making a push in conjunction with the NCCRC for cities to adopt a tenant right to counsel.

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Omaha looks to add tenant right to counsel


Omaha's affordable housing plan includes right to counsel as one of its stated goals.

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Alaska expands right to counsel for children


Provides for mandatory and discretionary appointment of counsel for children 10 years of age or older in CINA cases in certain circumstances.

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Conservatees entitled to counsel upon communicating their wish to terminate conservatorship.


Conservatees have a right to counsel in seeking to terminate a conservatorship.

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U.S. hears from advocates on access to justice and CRTC


Meetings between U.S. representatives and access to justice advocates highlighted many issues, including civil right to counsel.

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New NCCRC/CityHealth report highlights eviction right to counsel; webinar in Sept


A report by the NCCRC, CityHealth, and Enterprise Community Partners covers housing policies advancing health equity, such as right to counsel.

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Richmond VA eviction reports reveal power of counsel


Reports find that Richmond eviction cases are incredibly short and that tenant counsel has a profound effect on outcomes.

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California creates CARE Program for mental health


Respondents in CARE proceedings have a right to counsel.

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KY appeals court: denial of counsel for noncustodial parent was reversible error


The Kentucky Court of Appeals held that the failure to appoint counsel in a dependency proceeding required reversal of the termination order.

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Michigan court: effective assistance of counsel needed for civil commitments


A Michigan Court of Appeals held that respondents in Michigan civil commitment proceedings are entitled to effective assistance of counsel.

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Right to counsel but no such proceeding


Though a minor seeking to bypass the parental consent requirements for an abortion has the right to counsel, abortion is effectively banned.

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San Francisco ballot initiative establishes DV right to counsel pilot


A 2022 ballot initiative, Proposition D, creates a 1-year pilot to provide a right to counsel for San Francisco victims of domestic violence.

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Illinois creates immigration right to counsel task force


An enacted 2022 bill creates a task force to study implementation of an immigration right to counsel, with a report due in 2023.

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ACLU/NCCRC report flags eviction's harms, RTC's promise


A joint report by the ACLU and NCCRC reviews the data on the widepsread consequences of evictions and right to counsel's impact on the problem.

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New Orleans joins ranks of cities with tenant right to counsel


In May 2022, the New Orleans City Council enacted an ordinance to provide a right to counsel for all tenants facing eviction.

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PA report urges statewide eviction right to counsel


A report from the Pennsylvania Budget and Policy Center urges the state to fund a right to counsel for tenants statewide.

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Discretionary appointment of counsel


A 2022 law changed appointment of counsel for birth parents in adoption cases from mandatory to discretionary.

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Right to counsel


A minor who files a petition to marry is entitled to counsel.

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Colorado adds right to counsel for older children in abuse/neglect cases


In 2022, Colorado added the right to client-directed counsel for older children in abuse/neglect cases.

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Lakewood Ohio considering tenant right to counsel


An ordinance introduced in Lakewood Ohio aims to make the city the third in Ohio to provide a right to counsel for tenants facing eviction.

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Discretionary appointment under "exceptional circumstances"


The Indiana Supreme Court recently found that, under exceptional circumstances, courts may appoint counsel for individuals whose property is subject to forfeiture.

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New York bill would provide statewide right to counsel for tenants


Building off of NYCs success, a new bill would guarantee counsel for low-income tenants across New York State in a variety of situations.

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